Career Research and Resources for Companies in NY


Public Relations - Communications - New York, NY

- Write monthly articles on fashion and beauty. - Part of the team whom profile appears at the magazine editorial staff pages.

Avg. Salary: $460,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Wilson Syncharontron Laboratory

Engineering & Architecture - Electronics Engineer - Ithaca, NY

Design and maintain the stability of the Digital RF Control System for the CESR and ERL machines.

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Education, Training, & Library - Adult Literacy Instructor - New York, NY

Lead and organize Humanitarian Relief Missions. Train volunteers to support humanitarian missions

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Arrow Electronics

Sales & Sales Management - Sales Manager - Purchase, NY

Recruited to oversee 12 sales professionals and expand the integration of Arrow into a sole source supplier for the defense contractor’s Puerto Rico location. Reviewed drawings to complete a parts analysis for their complete product line. Converted their inventory management process into an automated process streamlining their production ability and improving profitability.

Avg. Salary: $110,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Malev Hungarian Airlines

Management & Business - Executive Vice President - New York, NY

Deputy to CEO

Avg. Salary: $110,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Columbia University Medical Center

Research - Analyst - New York, NY

Research on (1) ion-channels as novel therapeutic agents for asthma (2) influence of second-hand smoking and development of asthma in infants. Training and supervision of undergraduate and summer students during laboratory rotations. Design of study plan. Management of mice colonies used for asthma research. Ordering and procurement of research materials. Budget management. Formulated and initiated the project to investigat...

Avg. Salary: $52,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

PC Group/Silipos, Inc.

Sales & Sales Management - Sales Manager - Niagara Falls, NY

Managed National, Regional and local distributors for medical division in Midwest United States. (2 Natl, 12 Regional, 15 local) Performed travel ride along with distributor reps to train, increase product knowledge and awareness of product line, did inservices with customer service on product line, evaluate and add new distributors, attend trade shows and sales meetings, and report on new product development. Call points ...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: 2.0 out of 5

Bernard C. Harris Publishing

Information Technology - Application Support - White Plains, NY

Communicating with many schools from all over the U.S., Canada and overseas to gather their alumni data in various forms and sources. Responsible for data manipulation, define and populate databases for alumni printed products and provide schools with clean and complete databases.

Avg. Salary: $50,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

AXA Advisors

Sales & Sales Management - Sales Representative - New York, NY

White Hall, IL area- Life and annuities sales Presentations to groups Insurance reviews of existing policies

Avg. Salary: $80,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

BNY Mellon Cpital Markets

Clerical & Administrative - New Accounts Clerk - Nw York, NY

Avg. Salary: $57,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available