Career Research and Resources for Companies in NJ

Global Beauty Group

Marketing & Advertising - Marketing - Sayreville, NJ

• Interfaced with personnel at all levels providing technical information on company products and services • Managed and ordered materials from vendors in Europe to ensure that items are updated and replenished in a timely manner • Generated detailed reports of sales and inventory to ensure proper future forecasting • Updated, created and facilitated production of promotional materials - brochures, posters, and samples • A...

Avg. Salary: $50,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

IFF (International Flavors and Fragrances)

Marketing & Advertising - Marketing - Union Beach, NJ

• Tested the performance of fragrances in personal skin and hair care on individuals through sensory and consumer research in order to launch high quality market products • Monitored, supervised, and executed timely controlled sensory tests • Analyzed data to determine statistical significance in evaluating products and determine further testing • Constructed graphical representations using linear graphs to demonstrate t...

Avg. Salary: $50,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Market Street Mission

Clerical & Administrative - Office Clerk - Morristown, NJ

Raiser's Edge Database Administration: *Created and maintained records for individual and organizational donors. *Processed daily donor contributions and associated bank deposits. *Processed corporate matching gifts, coding of appeals and database clean-up.

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Market Street Mission

Clerical & Administrative - Office Clerk - Morristown, NJ

Resident supervisor of third floor dorm: *Responsible for upholding all Mission policies, counseling clients, communicating events and issues to staff. *Performed evening/weekend program candidate screening and intake. *Maintained good relationships with visitors and community contacts.

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Market Street Mission

Clerical & Administrative - Office Clerk - Morristown, NJ

*Assisted resident director in confidential record keeping and mail distrubution. *Provided assistance to residients, visitors and guests.

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Babies R Us

Clerical & Administrative - Secretary - Flanders, NJ

Efficiently assist the Regional Vice President with the implementation of daily logistics. Coordinate weekly VP travel arrangements and expenses. Reduced travel and meeting expenses by streamling purchasing processes. Human Resource functions to ensure payroll completion. Ensure customer service complaints are reviewed and resolved in 24-48 hours.

Avg. Salary: $46,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Toys R Us Human Resources Assistant

Clerical & Administrative - Secretary - Flanders, NJ

Support the Regional Human Resources Director and three hiring managers with staffing, hiring, compensation and benefits needs. Update staffing and operational reports. Process information in the PeopleSoft system ensuring correct payroll. Schedule and coordinate regional meetings for management and staff.

Avg. Salary: $46,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Mac Systems Home Service Provider for Home Depot

Management & Business - Executive Vice President - little Falls, NJ

Developed and cast a system of service providers for service to Home Depot customers. Our goals were cast in the Landscape and Hardscaping segment. We accomplished this task by incorporating the use of a sub-contractor base where we trained them in the Home Depot systems and procedures All installations were performed by the Sub contractors who went through a comprehensive training and background requirements. This was laid...

Avg. Salary: $110,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Archtectural Ornimental and Landscape Products The Stone Age

Management & Business - Executive Vice President - Totowa , NJ

Created, formed and worked to energize a new wholesale, retail supply chain. While working with the CEO and other principals to develop a business plan for a new concept in the supply chain operations. Oversaw and lead various teams of supervisors, department heads, labors and managers to create a user friendly area where the customer and contractor could work hand in hand to sell, furnish and get installed various design b...

Avg. Salary: $110,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Nicolock Of New Jersey

Management & Business - Executive Vice President - Newark, NJ

This was a contracted job for Nicolock to develop the startup a center supply depot for a Pavingstone operation that’s main was located in Long Island NY. My responsibilities included but were not limited to Property location, development, distribution, security, leasing, labor management, business start up, transportation, transfer of duties, operations, leader locations and cost analogies. The results were that Nicolock r...

Avg. Salary: $110,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available