Browse Career Research in Science & Biotech
Science & Biotech Career Research
Axio Research
Project Director, Associate Director, Business Development
Avg. Salary: $50,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
University of Miami
• Synthesize organometallic heteronuclear transition metal cluster complexes including air sensitive compounds using schlenk techniques and glove box; separate mixture of compounds using thin layer and column chromatography • Characterize all new cluster complexes structurally using single crystal X-Ray diffraction, Infra Red, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Mass Spectroscopy and elemental analysis • Conduct literature searches...
Avg. Salary: $57,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
University of Miami
• Teach and supervise Organic Chemistry Laboratory I & II (19 sections, total 456 students) • Prepare and present pre-laboratory discussions and as a senior TA, train and assist upcoming new TAs • Prepare and clean-up laboratory and equipment for student use for each experiment on a weekly basis • Supervise and monitor laboratory and train individual students in performing experiments • Train students on instrument use (FTI...
Avg. Salary: $57,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
University of Miami
• Assist a group of students with dynamic interactive practice of the target language (Hindi), correct pronunciation and patterns, and help them to communicate with the target language (7 sections, total 27 students) • Mentor students with the opportunity to use and to further develop the language skills they acquire while studying on their own, and lead them through practice of the material • Engage students in dialogue, g...
Avg. Salary: $57,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
University of Miami, Graduate Student Association
• Represented the Graduate Student Association (GSA) on matters of business with the Dean of the Graduate School, University Administrators, Board of Trustees and other officials • Assisted the President of GSA to preside over the GSA cabinet (7 members) and Senate (40 members) and conducted meetings to accomplish annual objectives and ensure the decisions of the Senate are carried out to improve the graduate student experi...
Avg. Salary: $57,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
University of Miami
• Reviewed materials from Honors Organic Chemistry I and II (6 sections, total 90 students) • Addressed specific questions/concerns of students • Taught problem solving strategies and structural interpretation
Avg. Salary: $57,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Samson Resources
Provides geotechnical support up to 6 geologists, geophysicist, petrophysicist and 1 landman in developing prospects, including research, computer drafting of geological maps, data entry, building cross-sections and supporting daily workloads. Serve as intra-company consultant on Petra Software
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
Oxley Petroleum
Provided geotechnical support for 3 geologists and 5 landmen in building prospects, including log library research, computer drafting of structure, isopach, land ownership and other maps, building cross-sections and supporting daily workloads. Served as user and problem solver of Petra software. Developed log inventory and filing system. Maintained and compiled computer files of digital logs and geological softwares. As...
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
D. L. Goins and Associates
Provided geotechnical support services to client exploitation/exploration petroleum geologists, geophysicists and engineers in evaluation of large projects, acquisition/divestiture packages, individual prospects and regulatory hearings. Assisted in gathering data for creation of reserve studies for clients. Compiled and built computer drafted structure and isopach maps.
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
HS Resources (Tide West)
Assisted 5 geologists and 1 geophysicist with log library research, creation of structure, isopach and production maps. Provided technical support with development of cross-sections, production fields and maps, log correlations and field studies. Assisted in gathering and creating data sets for regulatory hearings, workovers and proposed areas of development for various departments. Gathered data for reserve studies. Pa...
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5