Browse Career Research in Research
Research Career Research
Johns Hopkins University
• Maintained & managed lab: collected, organized, logged & analyzed all experiments & data • Research projects: studied animal models of airway hyperreactivity, heart rate variability with aging, obesity, environmental exposure & lung inflammation
Avg. Salary: $47,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Patient Registry Initiative (NPRI), Washington University
• Develop protocols and perform routine data management, maintenance, and data analysis using SAS and MS Access on over 1500 participants. • Create SAS codes to clean, manipulate, and modify registry data into a clean dataset ready for future data analysis. • Create a data dictionary with around 300 variables for the registry questionnaire. • Develop a protocol to detect registry duplicates using SAS and Link Plus through ...
Avg. Salary: $20,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Division of Infectious Disease, Washington University School of Medicine
• Develop advanced SAS codes including SQL and Macros to clean and manipulate datasets. • Assessed data quality and maintained data integrity through management of missing fields. • Analyzed information to choose the best solution and solve problems. • Communicate with statisticians and assist principal investigator in making analytical decisions. • Conduct survival analysis to assess and identify risk factors for project ...
Avg. Salary: $20,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Brown School of Social Work, Washington University
• Perform data cleaning, exploration, manipulation, and data management. • Conduct literature reviews and find information. • Analyze data using various statistical techniques including Mixed Effects Modeling. • Create tables and graphs using SAS, and write for manuscripts.
Avg. Salary: $20,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Johns Hopkins University
Perform electrophysiology experiments (including dissections) on neonatal rat brain stems; Record and log all data; Summarize data and perform statistical analysis; Write papers for peer reviewed journals; Assist with grant preparation.
Avg. Salary: $47,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Aid with indirect calorimetry and plethysmography experiments in mice subjected to prolonged hypobaric exposure. Complete breathing analysis and statistics. Couple these data to the metabolic data to determine the effect of exposure on the efficiency and effort of breathing.
Avg. Salary: $47,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Meadow Mill Athletic Club
Opening part time receptionist (front desk). Meet and greet members with a smile. General maintenance.
Avg. Salary: $47,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Clarkson University
please see my CV.
Avg. Salary: $88,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Northwestern University
Postdoctoral fellow leading a team of scientists working on protein lipidation. Responsible for mentoring and managing projects being performed under a major grant in the lab, including work being performed by graduate and undergraduate students. Also responsible for finding and maintaining collaborations with other researchers in the field. Publishing and presenting data in a variety of forums.
Avg. Salary: $42,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Clemson University
As a graduate student, I was responsible for 2 things: 1) research performed in my thesis lab and 2) teaching laboratory classes for undergraduates. My major research topic was protein localization in lipid rafts. I was also responsible for teaching Biochemistry and Cellular Biology courses. I was appointed lead laboratory instructor for the final 18 months of my graduate work, and was given the opportunity to teach an i...
Avg. Salary: $42,000 · Company Rank: Not Available