Research Assistant Career Research and Resources

University of Malaya

Research - Research Assistant -

* Cloning,Expression and purification the recombinant proteins from E.coli * Maintain the cell lines (CHO, HeLa and HFF)and maintain the parasite in-Vitro and in-Vivo methods *Identify the Human parasitic infection using molecular techniques * Maintain the lab instruments and arrange the lab meeting

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

University of Illinois

Research - Research Assistant - Rockford, IL

* Clone and express the recombinant proteins from E.coli * Construct the recombinant plasmid for transfection and mammalian cell Expression *Construct the recombinant plasmid for DNA vaccination in mice model

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Monash University

Research - Research Assistant -

*Studied the functional characteristic of Palm fruit lipase gene *Protein extraction and purification from palm fruits using biochemical methods *Protein enzyme activity was confirmed by colorimetric enzyme assays *Identified lipase gene was cloned and expressed in E. coli

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Indian institute of science

Research - Research Assistant -

*Studied the expression and functional characteristics of lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase, a part of multi-protein complex in microsomal membranes of immature peanut seeds *Protein extraction and purification from peanut seeds using biochemical methods *Identified the complex protein using 2D electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF analysis *Protein enzyme activity was confirmed by colorimetric and radiometric enzyme assays

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Korea University

Research - Research Assistant -

Conduct several research programs

Avg. Salary: $54,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Magreen Co Ltd. South Korea

Research - Research Assistant -

To develop several types of catalysts

Avg. Salary: $54,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

University of Southern California

Research - Research Assistant - Los Angeles, CA

to conduct several research programs

Avg. Salary: $54,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Purdue University

Research - Research Assistant - West Lafayette, IN

Co-PI (Principal Investigator) Preparation of reports Supervision of the work of undergraduate/graduate students Publication of peer-reviewed papers Writing and sumission of proposals

Avg. Salary: $54,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Progenitor Cell Therapy

Research - Research Assistant - Allendale, NJ

•Handle incoming HPC-Apheresis products by filling out appropriate batch chart records, processing the product according to doctor orders, and cryopreserve products when needed. •Handle and process incoming Cordbloods for the company’s partner Neostem. •Perform calculations on processes for the CD34, CD3, and total-nucleated cell counts •Run the Beckman Coulter AC-T DIFF Hematology machine to obtain CBC counts for products

Avg. Salary: $48,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Genocea Biosciences (contracted through Clin-Lab Staffing)

Research - Research Assistant - Cambridge , MA

•Main functions include mouse IV, IM, SubC, retro-orbital bleeds, terminal cardiac punctures, and necropsies •Learned in-vitro skills including, IgG Elisas (both 96 and 384 welled plates), IL-17A ELISA, Whole blood assays, and basics in aseptic media/cell culture •Conduct data analysis using GraphPad Prism 5 and Excel, and put analyzed data into reports •Re-evaluate and revise currently used Elisa protocols •Provide main s...

Avg. Salary: $48,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available