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Military & Government Career Research
The Society of California Pioneers
Wrote 50 finding aids that are documents containing detailed information about a specific collection of papers or records within an archive. In this case, California History. Archived periodicals and finding aids into the historical computer database Past Perfect
Avg. Salary: $47,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
The Emma Goldman Papers
Coordinated with the Associate Editor to ensure accuracy in Emma Goldman’s writings from the 1910s and 1920s by conducting research of her opinions on issues of that time period. Generated content for Volume 3 of the Emma Goldman Papers, Light and Shadows (1910-1916) and for Volume 4: The War Years (1917-1919), to be published in 2014.
Avg. Salary: $47,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Oversee all cleaning processes, SQF and allergen controls on all products from receiving raw and packaged product to final packaging.
Avg. Salary: $50,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Provided audits, SOP's, and advice on how food, drinking water systems, liquid waste systems, and vector control could be done. Also provided advice to public and private groups on plant management, invasive species control, and water pollution problems.
Avg. Salary: $50,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Teaching jobs
As school teacher taught Biology, Environmental Science, and Physics. As substitute taught math(calculus, algebra, trig), English, art, science (biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, environmental, space, robots), History (New Mexico, California, Federal, Economics, Government, World), health, PE, computers.
Avg. Salary: $50,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
State of New Mexico
All programs as listed above to include vector control, swimming pools, special wastes, , plan reviews (pools, food, drinking water, solid waste - landfills, hazardous waste, above ground storage tanks, emergency planning, radon, radiation machines, etc.
Avg. Salary: $50,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Bay Pines VAHCS
To direct laboratory of translational research in neuroscience, Participate in the Safety and Animal committees of the Research & Development Department in the Bay Pines VAHCS.
Avg. Salary: $90,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
US Army Pentagon
Army Global Force Management, to include writing mobilization order for units being deployed around the world
Avg. Salary: $150,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
US Army, Army North
Deputy Defense Coordinating Officer (DDCO) for FEMA Region IX Defense Coordination Element (DCE). Coordinated emergency management implementation and disaster planning, for Department of Defense assets.
Avg. Salary: $150,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
US Army 9th Regional Support Command
CRISIS ACTION STAFF OFFICER-IN-CHARGE (OIC): Established and manned the 9th RRC 24/7 Emergency Operations Center, (EOC). Kept abreast of all activities in the PACOM Area of Operations. Deployment to Iraq for 18 months during this period
Avg. Salary: $150,000 · Company Rank: Not Available