Military & Government Career Research

Headquarters Battalion, 2d Marine Division

Military & Government - Marine Corps - Camp Lejeune, NC

Avg. Salary: $89,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Iraqi Support Force, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), Command Element

Military & Government - Marine Corps - Camp Fallujah, Outside United States

Sustain 66 independent multi-service TTs in austere locations across Iraq. Facilitate the training of local nationals and retrograde of occupational forces. Manage property accounts at $51 million. Liaise between Coalition, Iraqi Support Force (ISF) and foreign agencies, utilize civilian, local national/international vendors to fill mutually exclusive commercial or military equipment sourcing and life sustainment needs.

Avg. Salary: $89,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Headquarters Battalion, 2d Marine Division

Military & Government - Marine Corps - Camp Lejeune, NC

. Sustain HQBN and 2d Marine Division command elements; Supply Platoon Commander. Property and fund manager over 40 commodity sections. Build property control SOP, train commodities and staff. Direct fielding, collection, redistribution and equipment readiness. Supervise procurement, contracts, budgeting and monitor all individual travel. Advise on acquisitioning requirements, capabilities and training supportability.

Avg. Salary: $89,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Marine Headquartes Group, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward)

Military & Government - Marine Corps - Camp Fallujah, Outside United States

Fill billets as II Marine Headquarters Group (MHG), II MEF Communication Detachment and II MEF Transition Team Supply Officer; Supply Platoon Commander. Advise three MSCs and five Major Subordinate Elements (MSE) in life-support services, combat operational sustainment and material logistics capabilities. Supervise all fielding, retrograde, material readiness and replenishment.

Avg. Salary: $89,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Texas Adjutant General's Department

Military & Government - Air Force - San Antonio, TX

Provided day to day technical environmental and safety advice and consultation for all operations employees and contractors while taking a lead role in supporting the implementation and execution of Environmental, Health, & Safety processes, procedures, and standards. Prepared correspondence, requests, environmental assessments, technical reports, and impact statements. Operated and maintained hazardous waste storage fac...

Avg. Salary: $52,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Quanta Lab, Inc

Military & Government - Air Force - Selma, TX

Manage, maintain, review, and update company's analytical laboratory Quality Assurance/Quality Control written program. Review and validate chemistry analytical results for accuracy and adherence to QA/QC Plan. Provide day to day technical advice and consultation to management, laboratory staff, and clients; supervised analytical staff comprised of 3 scientists. Performed chemical and microbiological analyses on water an...

Avg. Salary: $52,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

San Antonio Testing Laboratory, Inc.

Military & Government - Air Force - San Antonio, TX

Provided day to day scientific technical advice to management, and staff; provided consultation and analytical interpretation to clients regarding remediation processes. Reviewed and maintained company's analytical Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program, and made revisions and improvements as required. Revised and wrote chemical analytical Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)for staff technicians. Validated analytical res...

Avg. Salary: $52,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

San Antonio River Authority

Military & Government - Air Force - San Antonio, TX

Performed High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) chemical and microbiological analyses on surface, ground, and waste water. Managed Chemical Laboratory Division to include analytical data validation, method interpretation, and provided technical advice and consultation to management, technicians, and general public. Developed analytical Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and taught methods to analytical staff comprise...

Avg. Salary: $52,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Defense Intelligence Agency

Military & Government - Federal Government - Washington, DC

Oversee nearly 200 employees

Avg. Salary: $165,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Scientific Research Corporation (SRC)

Military & Government - Air Force - Tampa, FL

Directed all activities and functions related to financial management of four separate groups/facilities located in Florida and New Jersey. Concurrently with planning, reporting, assessing risks, and forecasting pipeline reports for business activities, including revenue, budgets, and margins, spearheaded special, and participated in troubleshooting problematic projects. Managed existing infrastructure to mitigate risk and ...

Avg. Salary: $80,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available