Military & Government Career Research

U. S. Army

Military & Government - Air Force - Ft. Meaede , MD

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

U. S. Army

Military & Government - Air Force - Ft . Leavenworth, KS

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Military & Government - Air Force - Melbourne, FL

Local company rep. at Patrick AFB, FL area.

Avg. Salary: $100,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

R&D Supervisory Program Manager

Military & Government - Air Force - Satelllite Beach, FL

Lead and supervised a diverse team of engineers and physicists Directed operational user requirements development Prioritized developmental funding projects Directed numerous decision teams

Avg. Salary: $100,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Secretary of the Air Force (SAF/IAP)

Military & Government - Air Force - Pentagon, DC

Managed $2.7 billion foreign military sales program at the Pentagon

Avg. Salary: $100,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness

Military & Government - State Government - Baton Rouge, LA

Provide GIS Mapping support such as creating maps, shapefiles for State using ArcGIS (ArcInfo, ArcServer, Image Server, ArcCatalog) software. This includes the digitizing of paper maps including parcels, lines, and points and the addition of metadata. Sole administrator of ArcGIS Server/ADF Web Application in a .NET environment for agency. Manage all data for server in ArcSDE environment. Collect geospatial data in the f...

Avg. Salary: $53,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Louisiana State Police

Military & Government - State Government - Baton Rouge, LA

Verify individual identifications by detailed examination and comparisons of inked and scanned fingerprint impressions. Provide technical assistance and briefings to local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in proper utilization of criminal justice information systems. Analyze and abstract criminal history information as mandated and allowed by law to complete background checks for licensing boards and employmen...

Avg. Salary: $53,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Remington College

Military & Government - State Government - Baton Rouge, LA

Instruct students, prepare lesson plans, and grade assignments.

Avg. Salary: $53,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Health Canada

Military & Government - Federal Government - Ottawa, Ontario, Outside United States

• Leads the project to update the policy interpretations (reference manuals) for consumer products to be regulated under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act: identifying and analysing gaps within the current reference manuals by comparison with regulatory updates and discussion with project teams, drafts updates and incorporates comments and works with Legal Services to finalize. • Leads the planning, organizing, conduc...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Health Canada

Military & Government - Federal Government - Ottawa, Ontario, Outside United States

• Participates in the coordinative management of national compliance and data-gathering programs, including inspection, investigation, analytical and enforcement activities in the area of tobacco, to ensure that OTC policies, guidelines and procedures are being followed for maximum efficiency, effectiveness and uniformity. • Assesses several simultaneous enforcement programs under the Tobacco Act to regulate the ...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available