Merchandising, Purchasing & Retail Career Research

Merchandising, Purchasing & Retail - Buyer - WAUSAU, WI

Resonsible for the Growth and success of $110 million dollar a year sporting goods footwear and team business. Trained and supervised a six person team of direct reports. Negotiated pricing, terms,exclusivity and end of season exit strategy. Researched industry to determine which products met the needs of the company and their demographic. Evaluated current market trends to understand competitive environment and asess curre...

Avg. Salary: $117,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Koenig Sporting Goods

Merchandising, Purchasing & Retail - Buyer - Solon, OH

Responsible for purchasing merchandise for team sports, fitness, golf and miscellaneous athletics.

Avg. Salary: $117,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Brendamour's Sporting Goods

Merchandising, Purchasing & Retail - Buyer - Cincinnati, OH

Responsible for purchasing all hard lines and team apparel.

Avg. Salary: $117,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Sernett Department Store

Merchandising, Purchasing & Retail - Buyer - Carroll, IA

Managed the home office store for 2 years and then moved into a buyer role and purchased Sporting goods and electronics for the 8 stores.

Avg. Salary: $117,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Magills Restaurant

Merchandising, Purchasing & Retail - Purchasing - Pasco, WA

I trained and supervised new employees. There was lots of turnover so it was a constant process. Typical shift was 5-7 people. Typically a new person every other week or so. I worked with owner creating crew schedules. I worked with head cook and owner to plan menu items and agree on budget. We would have monthly meeting about any changes that needed to be made. Budget was approx $50,000/mo. I would monitor stock levels, or...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Labor Ready

Merchandising, Purchasing & Retail - Purchasing - RICHLAND, WA

Visit project sites and evaluate progress. Monitor/supervise crew and pitch in to help when needed. Co-ordinate with project manager on scheduling crew and when materials would be available. Communicate with customers about project goals and relay information to manager.

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Baker And Taylor Inc.

Merchandising, Purchasing & Retail - Buyer -

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Etd Entertainment

Merchandising, Purchasing & Retail - Buyer -

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

John Barton Company

Merchandising, Purchasing & Retail - Purchasing -

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Merchandising, Purchasing & Retail - Store Manager -

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available