System Engineer Career Research and Resources

StorageTek Corp./Sunmicrosystems

Information Technology - System Engineer - columbia, SC

maintain and install mainframe and open systems Storage hardware

Avg. Salary: $50,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Hill's Pet Nutritution

Information Technology - System Engineer - Bowling Green, KY

Served as shift manager for 1 year. Responsible for leading personnel in quality manufacturer of pet food. Promoted to Plant Floor Coordinator. Responsible for ugrading proprietary batching system to PLC based batching system. Responsible for developing and maintaing plant floor platform system architecture. Managed network adminstrator.

Avg. Salary: $68,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Information Technology - System Engineer - Clarksville, TN

Responsible for all IT/IS related systems. Numerouse data collection system developed and maintained.

Avg. Salary: $68,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Sceptor Inc.

Information Technology - System Engineer - Seneca Falls, NY

foundry work

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Dallas Cowboys Football Club

Information Technology - System Engineer - Irving, TX

Sole support for all computer systems and network in the organizaiton.

Avg. Salary: $50,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Information Technology - System Engineer - San Jose, CA

Install operating systems on HP DL servers, Windows 2003 and Red Hat 4.0 amd 5.0,

Avg. Salary: $40,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Silicon Valley Bank

Information Technology - System Engineer - Santa Clara, CA

Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, CA 2001 to 2007 Data Center Technician • Created User profiles, Recovered client's late, missing files for internal and external clients. Diagnosed, corrected, user error with file, by opened the file with notepad, corrected record's in error, copied the file back to production. . Recover POD file missing money, have remote site resubmit file so totals were correct. If the client's money...

Avg. Salary: $40,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Pomeroy at IBM Santa Theresa Lab

Information Technology - System Engineer - San Jose, CA

• Monitor two mvs systems, 14 vm systems, run Repacks, defrags weekly backups daily. Log trouble tickets with Clearquest, Monitor various Servers, 1st tier support with network servers or email issues.

Avg. Salary: $40,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

O'Connor Hospital

Information Technology - System Engineer - San Jose, CA

O'Connor Hospital, San Jose, CA. 1998 to 2001 computer operator/system administrator • Monitored cross-connected operating systems for O'Connor Hospital, area data center for Catholic Healthcare West. Weekends would replace pc's, reset printers in the emergency room. Ran three I Series computer systems. • Swing shift computer operator, moved to morning shift to help handle the help desk, familiar with Linux, Unix, and ...

Avg. Salary: $40,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

SAP Business Objects

Information Technology - System Engineer - San Jose, CA

Pre sales solution engineer for the enterprise data management team. Customer facing role either via webex or in person. Provided customized demos to customers in many different industries of multiple products in the EDM suit of products.

Avg. Salary: $130,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available