Programmer Analyst Career Research and Resources

Kansas Farm Bureau

Information Technology - Programmer Analyst - Manhattan, KS

Wrote and maintained mainframe applications for a life insurance company.

Avg. Salary: $57,500   ·    Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5

Bank of America

Information Technology - Programmer Analyst - Waverly, NY

Provide programming and analytical support in Consumer Real Estate. Use SQL and SAS to extract data from Oracle, Teradata Data, Excel, and Sql Server to provide metrics for Score Cards, Dashboard reports via automation and manual adhoc requests. Activities include collecting and refining requirements, 1. Ensure the client is getting the data needed to perform the task at hand 2. Identify data anomalies and provid...

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Analyst International

Information Technology - Programmer Analyst - Charlottte, NC

Provide programming and analytical support to a group of statisticians who create models and scores for e-Commerce marketing. This involved preparing programs that others could use for pulling data from an NCR Teradata warehouse into a SAS environment for collecting data needed by the statisticians as they prepare requested scores and models.

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Analyst International

Information Technology - Programmer Analyst - Raleigh, NC

· Chairing meetings, capturing and publishing minutes so all associated remain on the same 'page'. · Maintaining a Project Plan using MS/PROJECT 2000. · Establishing and maintaining connectivity to remote SAS server using SAS/CONNECT · Establishing connectivity to remote DB2 data instances using SAS/ACCESS and the remote server. · Establishing the ability to pull raw flat files from remote units using FTP within SAS Dat...

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Metro IS (Hampton Beach, VA)

Information Technology - Programmer Analyst - New Port News, VA

Work as an SAS/AF and SCL Application Developer to support a direct marketing catalogue analysis effort. Object driven reports were created using AF and SCL. The reports I worked on provide the end-user with multiple filters and ranking options, and are used to evaluate the performance of multiple catalogue marketing efforts. This was done using PC SAS8.01 and SAS6.12 on a UNIX HP database server.

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

New Boston Systems (Silver Springs, MD)

Information Technology - Programmer Analyst - Bethesda, MD

Function as the SAS Team Lead while performing Project Management, and System Analysis tasks. Provide system documentation of the SAS application using Word, and Visio. This application was Y2 recoded and upgraded from SAS6.12 to SAS7 with SAS8 developer. Provided project management support using Project98 for the SAS application as well as a second application, which had been under development for several months. ...

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Bank of America

Information Technology - Programmer Analyst - Charlotte, NC

· Set up a SAS application server, supporting eighty plus users. · Provide Y2K testing support for SAS applications. · Provide ad-hoc reports from Oracle and DB2 files on demand. · Convert existing reports to use macros, making monthly modifications less difficult. · Create automatic join tables to ensure correct joins from frequently used Oracle tables.

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

IBM (Federal Systems Division)

Information Technology - Programmer Analyst - Boulder, CO

· Designed, implemented, maintained, and coordinated major systems and procedures projects for current and planned systems. · Simplified Engineering Records process: reducing process cycle time by 60% and the associated burden rate by 30%. · Coordinated the design of a system enhancement to utilize alternate parts inventory: resulting in an inventory reduction as well as waste and loss reduction. · Improved the `Rotatin...

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

TEK Systems

Information Technology - Programmer Analyst - Charlotte, NC

Analyze data for potential automation. Identifying key data components, e.g. columns needed to identify compliance, keys for table joins, table names, etc. Move data information into structured mananagement tool for useage by Informatica programmers.

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Strategic Staffing Solutions

Information Technology - Programmer Analyst - Charlotte, NC

Assist with generating reports to measure conversion status of accounts from Wachovia to Wells Fargo Data processing system.

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available