Application Support Career Research and Resources
JWK International Corporation
Coordinated operations from headquarters and travelled to Egypt, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, North Carolina, and Virginia to support proposal efforts.
Avg. Salary: $135,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Self Employed
Consultant to companies providing services to the Federal Government and Industry. Developed capture strategies.
Avg. Salary: $135,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Comarco, Inc.
Managed or made significant technical contributions to 14 proposal efforts addressing opportunities of $750M, including the win as Proposal Manager of new business at NWSC, Crane, IN, in 1987 and the 1989 win as Proposal Manager of Comarco’s recompete at the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA, with a value of $134.9M.
Avg. Salary: $135,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Atlantic Analysis Corporation
Directed the company's strategic planning, operations, and administration functions, including the negotiation of contracts, subcontracts, and teaming agreements. Managed seven major technical projects, including development of 40 tactical publications and at-sea observations of and comments on fleet exercises for Commander Second Fleet.
Avg. Salary: $135,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
United States Navy
Performed operations and engineering assignments in nuclear attack submarines, diesel-electric submarines, and destroyers. Responsible for the training and qualification of submarine nuclear power plant operators. Directed operation and repair of engineering equipment on surface ships and submarines and the examination of personnel qualifying in submarines. Participated in the development of ASW tactics, including early emp...
Avg. Salary: $135,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
TDK/MagIC Technologies
New engineering samples availability. Develop new type of IC package for MRAM
Avg. Salary: $160,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Biomorphic Microsystems
Developped and produced Compact Camera Module by CMOS image sensors.
Avg. Salary: $160,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
John Knox Village
Assisting patients with activities of daily living like dressing, feeding, and bathing.
Avg. Salary: $30,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Acceptance Insurance
Assisted customers with insurnace policy sales and bills. Responsible for marketing and sales for new business. Managed office, and had several employees. Networked with car dealerships for new business.
Avg. Salary: $30,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Tampa General
Assisted with patient care and performed vital signs. Also made sure patients were safe.
Avg. Salary: $30,000 · Company Rank: Not Available