Browse Career Research in Engineering & Architecture
Engineering & Architecture Career Research
Halliburton Energy Services
1987-1988 - Frac and Cement Equipment operator in Vernal Ut. 1988-1990 - Frac and Cement Equipment operator in Brighton, Colo. and Warehouse supervisor, for 14 months. 1990-1996 - Equipment mechanic, in Rock Springs Wyo., responsible for equipment repair and maintenance as directed.
Avg. Salary: $187,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Meridian Oil Company
Supervise all drilling rig activities associated with drilling oil or gas wells.
Avg. Salary: $187,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Direction Energy Corp.
Responsible for all field operations. Including drilling, completion, work over, well maintenance, pumping, shippings, and maintaning lease facilities and keeping accurate records for local, state, and federal agencies.
Avg. Salary: $187,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Natural Gas Corp.
Supervise all drilling rig activities associated with the drilling of oil and gas wells.
Avg. Salary: $187,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Champlin Pertoleum
Supervise individual drilling operations in WY, UT, MT, and ID. Supervise location, road and pipeline permitting and construction.
Avg. Salary: $187,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Davis Oil Company
Supervise drilling operation in SW Wyoming.
Avg. Salary: $187,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Chevron Oil Company
Supervise drilling, completion, and maintenance rig activities in CO, UT, WY, TX, and recieved offshore training in the Gulf of Mexico.
Avg. Salary: $187,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Chevron Oil Company
Assist construction, production, and electrical engineering departments. Duties included filing, drafting, record keeping, pipeline and road mapping. Supervised pipeline and production facility construction and the construction and troubleshooting of electic alarm systems.
Avg. Salary: $187,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
SPX Contech
Performed value stream mapping analysis of product lines at 4 different facilities. Identified target projects and performed detailed analysis. Projects included WIP capping where min/max levels were established reducing WIP by an average of 2-3 days. Work cell design with capacity issues where job steps were redesigned to balance work among 3 operators, reducing the bottleneck resulted in elimination of most weekend ove...
Avg. Salary: $67,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
UK Center For Manufacturing
Aided professors in industrial consulting projects. Did work at the following locations. o Ruskin Dampers Louvers, Lexington, Ky, May 2004, Part of a team that did a current state analysis on the operations. Worked with employees to develop a future state plan. o Prax Air Surface Technologies, Indianapolis, IN, April 2004. Co-facilitated Value Stream Mapping training to team of employees at Prax Air Surface Technolo...
Avg. Salary: $67,000 · Company Rank: Not Available