Environmental, Health & Safety Manager Career Research and Resources

Performance Development Corporation

Engineering & Architecture - Environmental, Health & Safety Manager - Oak Ridge, TN

Initially, my responsibilities were in marketing to DOE Site Prime Contractors to do subcontract on-site treatment services for them. Our market research was accomplished using DOE's Draft Site Treatment Plans to qualify leads. We then prepare and sent out unsolicited expressions of interest to be qualified to receive RFPs. We then bid with Perma-Fix and won three straight contracts at the Fernald Environmental Managemen...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Schreiber & Yonley Associates (Subsidiary of Perma-Fix)

Engineering & Architecture - Environmental, Health & Safety Manager - Knoxville, TN

Prior to the buyout by SYA, I had been an Environmental Consultant, performing Phase I environmental assessments, and assisting in preparing permit applications. Also, in supporting expert testimony for environmental legal actions. After the sale, I was a Project Manager charged primarily with marketing DOE Contractors.

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Environmental Systems Corporation

Engineering & Architecture - Environmental, Health & Safety Manager - Knoxville, TN

I was a Project Manager responsible for performing cooling tower performance tests in the field. Also, I planned, designed, and performed long-term performance monitoring of chemical treatment programs in cooling water systems.

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

ANG Coal Gasification Company

Engineering & Architecture - Environmental, Health & Safety Manager - Beulah, ND

Senior Process Engineer responsible for process engineering support in the waste water treatment and reuse systems of the plant, and the main plant cooling water systems. This facility had to maintain Zero Discharge of Process-Derived Wastewater, and used the evaporative systems of the plant as a means of disposing of water.

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Exxon Company, USA (Colony Shale Oil Project)

Engineering & Architecture - Environmental, Health & Safety Manager - Aurora, CO

I was the process engineering in the environmental desgin group responsible for water balance maintenance of this Zero Discharge Plant. The evaporative systems of the plant were to serve as water evaporators, with pretreated wastewaters providing the makeup water for these systems.

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Stearns Roger Engineering Company

Engineering & Architecture - Environmental, Health & Safety Manager - Denver, CO

Primary responsibilities were marketing to help Stearns Roger penetrate the wastewater treatment design market. When that proved to be slow in coming, I moved to the Power Engineering Division where I worked on industrial water treatment design work.

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Nalco Chemical Company

Engineering & Architecture - Environmental, Health & Safety Manager - Tulsa, OK

As a Distric Representative, I was responsible for sales and service in customer, and prospect industrial plant utility systems, including, open and closed cooling water systems, boilers, boiler feedwater systems, steam condensate systems, demineralizers, oily water separators, oily emulsion breaking systems, and fire-side cold end corrosion and pollution control systems.

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Williams Brothers Engineering Company (Process Services Division)

Engineering & Architecture - Environmental, Health & Safety Manager - Tula, OK

As an entry level process engineer hired directly out of graduate school, I worked on numerous design and field testing projects in oil refinery wastewater systems and in oil field produced water treatment sytems.

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Fuss & O'Neill, Inc

Engineering & Architecture - Environmental, Health & Safety Manager - Manchester, CT

Coordinate assessment and remediation plans for 1200 underground storage tank (UST) replacements between four different engineering firms. Develop and risk based prioritization process to determine high risk environmental sites. Establish state approved assessment procedures and clean-up standards for a state-wide DOT UST clean-up program.

Avg. Salary: $105,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

PPM Consultants, Inc.

Engineering & Architecture - Environmental, Health & Safety Manager - St. Charles, MO

• Provided services including: remedial design, site remediation, site characterization, decontamination and decommissioning, regulatory negotiations, compliance permitting, project management, remediation system analysis, and risk assessments at multi-contaminant sites across the United States. • Provided senior level consulting to PPM Consultant’s clients. • Conducted site EHS audits for compliance with company, client an...

Avg. Salary: $109,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available