Environmental Engineer Career Research and Resources
Avg. Salary: $50,000 · Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5
innvatve solutions
Avg. Salary: $30,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
City of Austin
Engineering analyses
Avg. Salary: $90,000 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
E. I. Dupont de Nemours
developing training curriculings for various maintenance field.
Avg. Salary: $136,000 · Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5
Industrial Training and Support Services
counsulting, training and advisory for large industrial setting to perform environmental training, consulting, and advisoring. Extensive traveling. Develop training curriculum on English and Spanish. Customers: E.I Dupont, GE Propultion engines, Amoco Petroleum, Philips Morris, Martin Marietta, Nofolk Naval Base, just to mention few.
Avg. Salary: $136,000 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
Omar's Stellite
Own and Operated a Dish Network Company (Omar's Satellite. Retail sales and install satellite dish for bussiness, multiple dweling, and single family dwelings.
Avg. Salary: $136,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Johnson Matthey Inc.
·Develop and update Material Safety Data Sheets. ·Conduct routine waste management and safety inspection. ·Assisted in conducting and performing ISO 14001 Internal audit. ·Conduct hazard assessments, determine mitigation controls and identify training needs. ·Develop site-specific computer based training programs for internal auditor, waste management, HazCom, respiratory protection. ·Directed and coordinated site pe...
Avg. Salary: $35,000 · Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5
Rochester Institute of Technology
·Inspection of fire extinguishers, record hazardous waste label information, chemical constituents and characteristics ratings for the chemicals present in the laboratory. ·Assisted in gathering data and preparing MSDS and reports. ·Graduate Project on ISO 14001: Identifying the evaluation parameters commonly used by small & medium companies to determine the significance of & prioritize their Environmental, health and saf...
Avg. Salary: $35,000 · Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5
Cornett Environmental Consuting
Prepare and review monitoring, modeling, pollution control, site closure, risk assessment, biochemical terrorism preparedness, emergency response, and regulatory compliance programs. Evaluate Phase II investigations and provide recommendations on further environmental monitoring, remediation and property purchase. Help industrial clients evaluate alternatives for upgrading, relocating and expanding their operations, invento...
Avg. Salary: $50,000 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
I served as the principal investigator responsible for baseline and cumulative human health impact assessment for a programmatic environmental impact statement for the U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Programs. This included summarizing regulations, evaluating a wide variety of risk assessment, risk communication, waste management, pollution control, emergency response, program manage...
Avg. Salary: $50,000 · Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5