Civil Engineer Career Research and Resources

Golder Associates

Engineering & Architecture - Civil Engineer - Richmond, VA

Performed project management and engineering analyses for variety of SWM projects and facilities. • Prepared environmental and geotechnical engineering designs and evaluations, landfill siting plans and designs, hydrologic and hydro-geologic studies, designs for surface water drainage systems, solid waste management plans and permitting, and related environmental permitting and investigations. • Generated project and c...

Avg. Salary: $80,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

S&ME, Inc.

Engineering & Architecture - Civil Engineer - Charlotte, NC

Performed project management, engineering design, permitting, and field work for SWM and environmental projects. • Developed design drawings and calculations, construction specifications and bid documents, permits, and operations plans for SWM facilities. Designs included systems for primary and secondary liners, leachate conveyance, stormwater conveyance and storage, slope stability, and landfill gas (LFG). • Conducte...

Avg. Salary: $80,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

MACTEC Engineering & Consulting

Engineering & Architecture - Civil Engineer - Charlotte, NC

Performed project management, engineering design, permitting, and field work for geotechnical, construction, and environmental projects. • Created contract and permit documents, design drawings, construction quality assurance (CQA) plans, and operations plans for solid waste management (SWM) facilities. • Performed CQA monitoring/management during construction of SWM facilities and Phase I/II environmental investigati...

Avg. Salary: $80,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Weidlinger Associates Inc.

Engineering & Architecture - Civil Engineer - Mountain Lakes, NJ

Prepared and designed projects for bridge, transportation and rail projects including rebar and structural drawings for engineering firm under the supervision of a P.E. Engineer and Senior Draftsman.

Avg. Salary: $5,000   ·    Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5


Engineering & Architecture - Civil Engineer - Chicago, IL

Manage staff assignments; review plans and documents prior to submittals

Avg. Salary: $75,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

BBL Construction

Engineering & Architecture - Civil Engineer - Columbus, OH

Planned, estimated, and supervised school district projects for construction firm with the assistance of the Field Project Manager. Prepared report for the Operations Manager. Received on-the-job training in (1) Constructions Management, and (2) Project Management Operations.

Avg. Salary: $5,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Acrow Bridges

Engineering & Architecture - Civil Engineer - Parsippany , NJ

Was instrumental in establishing and creating a new section of website providing information about the cultural history and structural types of bridges for an international bridge engineering firm.

Avg. Salary: $5,000   ·    Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5

Market Source Representing Hewlett-Packard

Engineering & Architecture - Civil Engineer - Atlanta, GA

Marketed and restored products and trained employees for high tech manufacturer.

Avg. Salary: $5,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

County Materials Corporation

Engineering & Architecture - Civil Engineer - Roberts, WI

Managed quality control department of 5 to 7 employees. Hired, trained, arranged certification testing, evaluated and terminated employees. Attended to auditors inspecting the plant for certification. Developed inspection forms, wrote work instructions, set up filing system, and developed spread sheets to analysis data.

Avg. Salary: $57,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Nebraska Department of Roads

Engineering & Architecture - Civil Engineer - Lincoln, NE

Managed CCRL accredited concrete and aggregate laboratories. Determined testing and evaluated data for new materials and mix designs. Responded to field inspector’s and contractor’s questions. Reviewed and revised construction specifications. Developed concrete field inspector training and certification program. Wrote student and instructor manual and tests. Arranged training materials, database of certified inspector...

Avg. Salary: $57,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available