Career Research and Resources for Companies in OH

Middletown City Schools

Education, Training, & Library - Elementary School Teacher - Middletown, OH

Planning lessons based on state standards Classroom Management

Avg. Salary: $30,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

Fairfield City SChools

Education, Training, & Library - Elementary School Teacher - Fairfield, OH

Planning lesson according to state standards Classroom management

Avg. Salary: $30,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5


Sales & Sales Management - Sales Representative - Cleveland, OH

call on customers in a defined territory

Avg. Salary: $75,000   ·    Company Rank: 2.0 out of 5

neighborhood ministries

Nonprofit - Administrator - campbell, OH

facilitate & coordinate after school programming for at risk youth

Avg. Salary: $15,120   ·    Company Rank: 2.0 out of 5

Just The Right Touch Home improvment

Insurance - Claims Adjuster - Akron, OH

Operator, Managment of multiple projects.

Avg. Salary: $75,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Human Resources - Human Resources Manager - Beachwood, OH

Various assignments with duties including payroll, bank reconciliation, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and other bookkeeping duties as assigned

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5

Sirva Relocation

Clerical & Administrative - Receptionist - Mayfield Heights, OH

Heay phone, computer, order supplies, back up to counselor

Avg. Salary: $38,000   ·    Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5

Davissa Telephone Systems

Clerical & Administrative - Receptionist - Beachwood, OH

Answering phones and customers questions, trouble shooting problems, ordering supplies, mail, filing, invoicing.

Avg. Salary: $38,000   ·    Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5

Properties Development, Inc.

Clerical & Administrative - Receptionist - Beachwood, OH

Answering phones, scheduled meetings, mail, invoicing.

Avg. Salary: $38,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

Best Buy

Information Technology - Webmaster - Glenwillow, OH

• Use Companies database to keep track of and maintain all Home Theater televisions. • Research Daily, Weekly and Monthly Work In Progress reporting. • Research Parts for all units.

Avg. Salary: $22,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5