Career Research and Resources for Companies in MD
Nav Air
Avg. Salary: $42,000 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
MRT 09
• Provided security planning expertise for mid and small sized companies • Developed and implemented security and emergency response plans • Negotiated funding contracts • Coordinated with staffs of various federal agencies to develop security needs • Created a security plan for the Canadian National Karate Tournament
Avg. Salary: $64,064 · Company Rank: Not Available
State of Maryland Governor's Office
• Developed state anti-terrorism and emergency response plans • Analyzed existing information technology initiatives and developed legislation to address public safety and IT deficiencies • Served as the Governor’s liaison to public safety state agencies • Developed legislation for public safety and information technology • Led the technical team charged to automate the Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) • Pro...
Avg. Salary: $64,064 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
Mentor Technologies
• Managed relationships between our sales teams and the client’s technical development staff • Developed and integrated customized e-learning solutions for clients • Negotiated contracts with international clients for services and support for new e-learning systems
Avg. Salary: $64,064 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
Maryland Emergency Management Agency
• Planned and managed inter and intra-state disaster relief aid • Conducted anti-terrorism planning and implementation • Coordinated with interstate partners for logistics, personnel, and resources • Served as the states’ liaison with FEMA during Hurricane Floyd and Y2K events and kept FEMA abreast of the states’ response in both emergencies • Worked with impacted states to fulfill their needs and identified resources a...
Avg. Salary: $64,064 · Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5
ASRC Aerospace
filing, inventory, ordering, checking deliveries, deliveries, maintaining inventory, supplies, meetings, courier
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: 2.0 out of 5
Pinebrook, Inc.
answering phones, research, supplies, schedule meetings, calendar updates, timesheet distribution and checking, mail distribution
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5
Home depot
Safety, Customer service first, some operational functions, merchandising, install related departments. Teach train and motivate associates.
Avg. Salary: $46,500 · Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5
Richard Pappas Home Improvements Inc
Create and present all proposals, oversee crews, supervise job sites, handle administrative duties.
Avg. Salary: $35,000 · Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5
Perform scheduled and unscheduled maintenance on flight suits, survival vests, survival items, helmets, masks and PRC-90 radios. Track inspection cycles and completion of inspections through NALCOMIS/VIDS/MAFS Perform scheduled inspections on aircraft mounted survival equipment
Avg. Salary: $46,000 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5