Career Research and Resources for Companies in GA
Curry Honda
run production for body shop,make sure techs have parts and make flow from techs to paint shop ran smoth and deliver cars on time and quality control inspections
Avg. Salary: $72,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
World Toyots
run production for body shop, dispatch work, control cost, quality control vehicles
Avg. Salary: $72,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Stone Mountain Chrtsler Jeep
ri=un daily operations of body shop
Avg. Salary: $72,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
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Avg. Salary: $40,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
SouthTrust Bank
Call Center for high volumne inbound calls from checking and savings acct. holders with various inquiries on their accts. Later transferred to the Account Recon. Dept. where we balanced various branch accounts daily, etc.
Avg. Salary: $30,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Quest Temporary Services, Inc.
Maintain & oversee all current & future temporary employees along with their job assingnments.Various HR responsibilities. Customer service with each client on a daily basis. Office management, etc.
Avg. Salary: $30,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Holder Interiors, Inc.
Maintain all contracts, PO's, Change orders, payments, job costs, payroll, withdrawals, etc. on each job order as it applied. Daily contact with the appropriate project managers, vendors, sub-contractors, etc.
Avg. Salary: $30,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Askay Electric Co.
Maintain all aspects of Accounts Payable, Payroll, Travel expenses, Commissions, job costs,etc. Work directly with accounting manager and company president on a daily basis. Serve as backup to receptionist, etc.
Avg. Salary: $30,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
stons mountain inn
cleaning gust rooms by making them fresh&clean for next guest
Avg. Salary: $7,200 · Company Rank: Not Available
The Adams Company
gave employees what needed done that day.operated equipment such as forklift,skid steer,bobcat and operated various recycable material balers.assisted customers with recycable metals.paid customers for their materials.
Avg. Salary: $25,000 · Company Rank: Not Available