Career Research and Resources for Companies in CO

HHC 2-135th GSAB Colorado National Guard

Military & Government - National Guard - Aurora, CO

▪ Assistant Battalion S-2 assigned to the Colorado National Guard’s General Support Aviation Battalion currently working full time for CBRNE Consequence Management Response Force (CCMRF). ▪ Informed Commander of situational awareness while assigned to Tactical Operations Center (TOC). ▪ Manage and perform intelligence preparation of the battlefield. ▪ Supervise and coordinate the planning, collection, evaluation, analysis...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

HHC 2-135th GSAB Colorado National Guard

Military & Government - National Guard - Aurora, CO

▪ Created and maintained training schedules for all drills while attending school. ▪ Organized and executed a multistate mission. ▪ Counseled and acted as a role model for subordinate soldiers. ▪ Established and supervised the physical fitness program for soldiers who were not maintaining the standard.

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Anlance Security

Military & Government - National Guard - Fort Collins, CO

-Armed Patrolling Night Security Guard throughout Fort Collins and Loveland locations during the night. -Kept detailed reports on activities within clients locations. -Worked with local police on criminal activity. -Secured and opened bank and maintained employee safety. -Patrolled hospitals and double checking all doors were secured and reported all unlocked doors.

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Kay Bee Toys

Public Relations - Marketing - Palmdale , CO

Turn around the store from disastrous management...from Glendale to Palmdale to Sherman Oaks all stores where in completely different markets...

Avg. Salary: $125,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Ascent Solar Technologies

Engineering & Architecture - Mechanical Engineer - Thronton, CO

–Run and maintain a vacuum deposition process that makes a roll to roll semi conductor, using Copper Indium Gallium and selenium (CIGS). – Diagnose and repair mechanical and electrical issues with a vacuum deposition Process. – Analyze and tweak Process data to maximize Solar panel efficiency. – Work closely with other department’s to maximize solar panel efficiency and keep process running smooth. – Install and Build new v...

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

IONEX Research Inc.

Engineering & Architecture - Mechanical Engineer - lafayette, CO

– SolidWorks, COSMOS and COSMOS Floworks Calculation verifications. – Assist in design of industrial air filters for filtering hazardous chemicals and nuclear particulates. – Calculate condensation build up, air flow, heat transfer, and thermal expansion of air filters and ducts using COSMOS Floworks and hand calculations. – Conduct calculations that are consistent with ASME, ASCE, and AISC code. – Submit written reports ...

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (FSAE)

Engineering & Architecture - Mechanical Engineer - Boulder, CO

– Using solid works to design need based parts. – Responsible for dry sump oil system, fluid dynamic flow calculations were conducted, and fabrication of oil system. – Designed fuel system using Matlab to create the fuel MAP. – Designing parts that are used in a real life application. – Working with an engineering team under strict deadlines. – Fabricating actual design with welding and machining. – Running and programming ...

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Circular Technologies Summer 2006

Engineering & Architecture - Mechanical Engineer - Boulder, CO

– Run mill style and lathe style CNC machines. – Proficient in using a manual lathe. – Make adjustments to the CNC machines to keep the parts within very small tolerances. – Use many measuring devices including micrometer, pin micrometer calipers, Borematic, Sunnen, dial indicator, refractometer and an optical comparator.

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Healthcare & Medical - Admissions Director - denver, CO

Sales of navigation equipment for surgical procedure

Avg. Salary: $140,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Smith & Nephew

Healthcare & Medical - Admissions Director - denver, CO

Surgery sales

Avg. Salary: $140,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available