Browse Career Research in Transportation & Logistics

Able Seamen Career Research

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Aviation Inspector Career Research

Chauffeur Career Research

Commercial Pilot Career Research

Conveyor Operator Career Research

Crane Operator Career Research

Cruise Ship Staff Career Research

Delivery Services Truck Driver Career Research

Excavating Machine Operator Career Research

Flight Engineer Career Research

Freight Inspector Career Research

Hand Freight Mover Career Research

Heavy Truck Driver Career Research

Hoist & Winch Operator Career Research

Hostler Career Research

Industrial Truck Operator Career Research

Loading Machine Operator Career Research

Locomotive Engineer Career Research

Machine Feeder Career Research

Marine Cargo Inspector Career Research

Mates Career Research

Motor Vehicle Inspector Career Research

Motor Vehicle Operator Career Research

Motorboat Operator Career Research

Ordinary Seaman Career Research

Packer Career Research

Public Transportation Inspector Career Research

Rail Car Repairer Career Research

Rail Yard Engineer Career Research

Railroad Conductor Career Research

Railroad Inspector Career Research

Railroad Yard Worker Career Research

Refuse Material Collector Career Research

School Bus Driver Career Research

Ship Captain Career Research

Shuttle Car Operator Career Research

Streetcar Operator Career Research

Subway Operator Career Research

Supply Chain Manager Career Research

Tank car, Truck, or Ship Loader Career Research

Taxi Driver Career Research

Tractor-trailer Truck Driver Career Research

Train Crew Member Career Research

Transit Bus Driver Career Research

Yardmaster Career Research

Transportation & Logistics Career Research

Salem Area Transportation Authority

Transportation & Logistics - Public Transportation Inspector - Salem, OR

Directed the entire organization including Operations, Maintenance, HR, Finance, Dispatching and scheduling, Was responsible for labor negotiations and acquiring funding for operations and capital

Avg. Salary: $149,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

The City of Gainesville

Transportation & Logistics - Public Transportation Inspector - Gainesvill, FL

I directed the RTS and all its employees drivers and mechanics, schedulers, dispatchers and planners.

Avg. Salary: $149,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Mobile Transit Authority

Transportation & Logistics - Public Transportation Inspector - Mobile , AL

Directed the entire operation including Operations, Maintenance, HR, Finance, Scheduling, Dispatch, Planning and Safety and training.

Avg. Salary: $149,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

The Ohio State Univeristy

Transportation & Logistics - Public Transportation Inspector - Columbus, OH

I oversaw the Bus system on campus and the Motor Pool and all vehicle maintenance. Before that I managed the Food Facility and before that I managed Stores and receiving.

Avg. Salary: $149,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Zenith Logistics

Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - Indianapolis, IN

I enforce SLAM (Stop Look Assess Manage) safety by giving weekly demonstrations to up to 100 people about a situation that could lead to injury if ignored; I also approach employees at random and ask open-ended questions to generate responses, getting them to think proactively and keep their alertness up.

Avg. Salary: $50,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Zenith Logistics

Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - Indianapolis, IN

Received freight into the facility by first receiving live unloads then by generating a report showing how many days until stores needed product we didn't have in stock. Coordinated unloading with another third party company responsible for unloading and preparing freight for stock.

Avg. Salary: $50,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Shirley's Event Planning

Transportation & Logistics - Able Seamen - Stockton, CA

Client registration along with all customer service duties including accounts payable and in house database updating of prospective mailing lists.

Avg. Salary: $32,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Dorfman Pacific

Transportation & Logistics - Able Seamen - Stockton, CA

The loading and unloading of all product as well as replenishing all pick areas of product and order selecting.

Avg. Salary: $32,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Werner Industries

Transportation & Logistics - Able Seamen - Merced, CA

The tracking of all production materials that are in wip and and keeping all inventory stores up to date.

Avg. Salary: $32,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

New Star Foods

Transportation & Logistics - Able Seamen - Salinas, CA

Picking of all frozen produce and dry goods, staging of product and the loading of all containers for delivery.

Avg. Salary: $32,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available