Browse Career Research in Transportation & Logistics
Transportation & Logistics Career Research
Gary Schumaker Trucking
My duties for this job was to safely load, transport, and off-load deisel fuel and gasoline to bulk plants, truck stops, and gas stations accross OH, MI, and IN. The reason I left this job is because of lack of work and being layed off.
Avg. Salary: $47,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Schwerman Trucking
My duties for this job included loading, transporting, and off-loading in a safe manner many differant kinds of liquids all accross the US. This was also a hazmat job. The reason I left this job is for a better paying job at Gary Schumaker trucking.
Avg. Salary: $47,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Get Go Transportation
This job was to safely transport differant kinds of goods. Mainly paint products. This required a hazmat endorsement. The reason I left this job is to low of pay for the amount of hours worked.
Avg. Salary: $47,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
• Started as Assistant Department Manager of Electronics, promote to Department Manager of House Wares, and then promoted to Department Manager of Furniture • Brought House wares department sales from 20% decrease to a 34% increase • Brought furniture department sales to a 65% increase while store was running at only an 8% increase • General duties include, pricing integrity, modular integrity, customer service, cus...
Avg. Salary: $15,000 · Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5
TRD Courier
• Deliveries throughout the Binghamton Area • Creation of information technology infrastructure • Assisted in business development
Avg. Salary: $15,000 · Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5
Westside Transportation
pick-up and deliver goods all over country.
Avg. Salary: $56,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Interstate Distributer
pick-up and deliver goods all 48 states
Avg. Salary: $56,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Avg. Salary: $56,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Covenant Transport
I drive trucks and Hazmat loads all over the country for six weeks at a time. I coordinate pick-up and delivery times with customers. I kept logs of my activities including fuel stops, breaks, time in the sleeper berth, etc. I drove in many different types of challenging weather.
Avg. Salary: $25,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Gregory & Cook Construction Company, San Filipo, TEXAS US Salary: 2000 USD Per Week Hours per week: 72 Stringer Driver Pipeline Specialized Driver for a Natural Gas Pipeline, delivering 80 foot pipe joints to designated areas. Rough terrain, high mountains, deep valleys, and watery marshes. Extreme driving conditions on a Tractor trailer with a 80 food trailer total length oversize vehicle 95 feet. Pipe joints weighing over...
Avg. Salary: $67,500 · Company Rank: Not Available