Research Career Research

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Research - Research Assistant - Troy , NY

Avg. Salary: $100,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

University of University

Research - Clinical Research - Philadelphia, PA

Research project manager overseeing project, submitting IRB applications (iniital, modifications and continuing)

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Scheie Eye Institute

Research - Clinical Research - Philadelphia, PA

Lead uveitis an cornea technician. Pharmaceutical liaison and appeals precert processor. Primary Laski, PK surgical technician. Cornea and uveitis technical trainer.

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Eye Physicians & Surgeons

Research - Clinical Research - Wilmington, DE

Lead departmental ophthalmic technician. On call tech, OSHA surgical, and disability representative.

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Advance Eye Care

Research - Clinical Research - Wilmington, DE

Lead pediatric and adult ophthalmic technician. Surgical coordinator, OSHA rep and training coordinator.

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Potomac Hospital

Research - Clinical Research - Woodbridge, VA

Critical care and step down unit cardiac monitoring, interpretation along with equipment troubleshooting

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Research - Clinical Research - Philadelphia, PA

Clinical ophthalmic technical rep on the Cranio-Facial team. Performed all pediatric ophthalmic testing, patient instructions, contact lenses, Fresnel prisms and patient teaching.

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Naval Hospital

Research - Clinical Research -

Performed EKG’s, TB testing, audiograms, phlebotomy, PFT’s and immunizations. Conducted annual commercial flight exams Conducted PPE safety instruction Performed pre exam interviews, evaluated data with medical officer for evaluation and treatment Clinical liaison between industrial hygienist, physicians and patients

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

North Carolina Central University

Research - Microbiology - Durham, NC

• Investigate antimicrobial effects of nano materials on various microorganisms • Develop nanotechnologies to inhibit pathogenic bacteria growth • Develop and optimizing biosensors for Norovirus detections • Detect environmental microbes by biosensors • Technologies include ELISA, biosensors, bacteria culture, DNA and RNA extraction, PCR, RT-PCR, q PCR, electrophoresis, northern blotting, and statistics

Avg. Salary: $44,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

North Carolina A&T State University

Research - Microbiology - Greensboro, NC

• Investigated the roles of microbes and plants on water quality improvement • Identified environmental bacterium species • Studied the ecology in wetland systems • Tested the effects of wetland systems on waste water treatment • Technologies included nucleic acid extraction, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), PCR, RT-PCR, DNA cloning, DNA sequencing, bioinformatics, bacterium identification, elemental analysis...

Avg. Salary: $44,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available