Browse Career Research in Research
Research Career Research
Johns Hopkins University
Ran my own laboratory that I funded with grants from the National Institute of Health. Publishing papers, teaching students, getting more grants from small foundations like the cystic fibrosis foundation
Avg. Salary: $120,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Booz Allen Hamilton
Apply Mission Analytics to teaching and training to develop strategies and manage plans and programs for clients to execute their business and increase sales and revenues. I help clients adopt and use new technology applying different methodologies to the technology matrix. I identify training requirements for career professionals and help them upgrade their skills for a dynamic work force. Creating, writing, and updating t...
Avg. Salary: $80,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
09/2008 – 09/2011 - Flight Chief ISR Operations - Beale Air Force Base CA Led Airmen directing the integration of combat Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) to six Combatant Commands, fusing multisource intelligence and distributing time sensitive information to costumers in an expedited manner. Directs quality control, mission systems integration, and 24/7 crew schedules for U-2, RQ-4, and MQ-1 missions. ...
Avg. Salary: $80,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Illinois State University
1. Designed and carried out the total synthesis of natural products derivatives, such as core-modified chlorins and core-modified porphyrins. 2. Handled purification (distillation, chromatography, recrystallization, etc.) and characterization (NMR, UV-Vis, Mass Spectrometry, etc.)of the synthesized compounds. 3. Responsible for the laboratory orders, the maintenance of instruments and the disposal of hazardous chemicals.
Avg. Salary: $17,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Illinois State University
1. Gave lectures in the laboratory class of course “Chemistry in Society” 2. Provided leadership, guidance, and direction for groups of undergraduate students working in a laboratory environment.
Avg. Salary: $17,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Shanghai Hutchison WhiteCat Company Limited
1. Received training in the design of environmental-friendly detergent. 2. Aided in the large-scale production of WhiteCat® dishwashing detergent.
Avg. Salary: $17,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Ohio University
Responsibilities for independently designing and implementing studies to determine the pharmacological and mechanistic properties of novel anti-cancer drugs and cancer causing compounds in vitro and in vivo studies in rodents and in human cancer cell lines and normal human and mouse cell lines by various biochemical and analytical methods. * Analyze and interpret results of studies conducted in both in vitro and in vivo mod...
Avg. Salary: $75,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Ohio University, Innovation Center
establish animal protocols for IACUC approval
Avg. Salary: $75,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Ohio University, Innovation Center,Biotechnology Research & Development Facility
• Designed and setup wet lab with biochemical and analytical state-of-the-art instrumentation and equipment for the OUIC for clients and OU/College research community and Industrial clients. As the lab director at BRDF I provide a variety of advanced methods and research consultation in the design and implementation of clients in research and drug discovery and development.
Avg. Salary: $75,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Maine Institute for Human Genetics and Health
Setup Proteomics Core and laboratory for newly to be established translation research in cancer with state-of-art equipment, i.e. various mass spectrometers and protein discovery equipment.
Avg. Salary: $75,000 · Company Rank: Not Available