Research Career Research

Z-Tech Corporation/National Center for Toxicological Research

Research - Analyst - Jefferson, AR

Provided statistical support for bio-assays for the National Toxicological Program

Avg. Salary: $67,500   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

Psychiatry, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Research - Analyst - Little Rock, AR

Cleaned data, analyzed data, and presented written results on faculty's research.

Avg. Salary: $67,500   ·    Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5

New York University School of Medicine

Research - Clinical Research - New York, NY

Design and conduct molecular epidemiologic studies utilizing sophisticated assays, statistical methods and data analysis. Mentor several PhD-level epidemiologists and psychologists.

Avg. Salary: $115,000   ·    Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5

Klein Hersh International

Research - Clinical Research - Philadelphia, PA

Literature review regarding complications of pregnancy and birth outcomes in the general population, drug and non-treated groups for summary reports on adverse events

Avg. Salary: $115,000   ·    Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5

Pfizer Inc., Consultant

Research - Clinical Research - New York, NY

 GapMap, an interactive software, to identify under-diagnosed and under-treated populations by geographic location and demographic characteristics.  Purpose to target marketing strategies towards educating healthcare practitioners on existing gaps in screening practices, treatment and prevalence and incidence of diseases and conditions and risk factors for disease.

Avg. Salary: $115,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

Research - Clinical Research - New York, NY

Research focus: Early antecedents of adult disease such as in-utero exposures as they pertain to the risk of schizophrenia and female reproductive cancers.  Database management for 90,000 offspring and their parents and 300 variables.  Data analysis for numerous studies.  Authored peer-reviewed journal articles (5).  Member of MPH Admissions Committee.  Practicum advisor to 25 MPH students.

Avg. Salary: $115,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Research - Clinical Research - New York, NY

Supervisor of asthma and pesticide surveillance and research staff; team leader for the New York Emergency Disaster Relief Related to Asthma.  Liaised with federal, state and local agencies including the CDC, EPA, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, NYS Department of Health, NYC Fire and Police Departments concerning pesticide and heavy metal exposure, air pollution and the World Trade Center rescue and recovery ...

Avg. Salary: $115,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

EPI-SOAR Consulting, Inc.

Research - Analyst - Del Mar, CA

CEO & Director; Epidemiological and Biostatistical Expert Consulting

Avg. Salary: $160,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

San Diego Zoo Global

Research - Biology - Escondido, CA

Five areas: (a) Wet-laboratory research in comparative molecular genetics. Techniques included fluorescent in situ chromosome hybridization, cell culture initiation from tissue biopsies, nested PCR, DNA sequencing, microsatellite genotyping, whole genome amplification, and serological testing for infectious disease. (b) Bioinformatic and statistical data analyses, animal genome annotation, analyzing allele and genotype freq...

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

National Cancer Institute

Research - Biology - Frederick, MD

Duties fell into four categories: (a) Wet-laboratory research in human and comparative molecular genetics. A variety of techniques were used including Southern blotting, cDNA and genomic library construction, dot blotting, SSCP, DNA sequencing, PCR, SNP and microsatellite genotyping, and HLA typing. (b) Bioinformatic and statistical data analyses included human and animal genome annotation, analyses of DNA, RNA and protein ...

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available