Research Career Research

University of Texas Medical Branch

Research - Scientist - Galveston , TX

Duties included preparation of grants and manuscripts for publication, supervision of technicians and graduate students, designing and performing of laboratory experiments as planned in grant proposals, facilitator for problem based learning courses for medical students. Accomplishments included publication of several original scientific articles and securing federal and local grant funding (see below). These studies and su...

Avg. Salary: $51,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

University of Missouri

Research - Scientist - Columbia, MO

Duties included preparation of grants and manuscripts for publication, supervision of technicians and graduate students, designing and performing of laboratory experiments as planned in grant proposals. Accomplishments included publication of several original scientific articles and securing federal and local grant funding (see below). These studies and subsequent publications focused on the interaction of estrogen and estr...

Avg. Salary: $51,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

University of Missouri

Research - Scientist - Columbia, MO

My duties included crossing the estrogen receptor-alpha knockout (ERaKO) mouse with the severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mouse strain to generate a novel mouse strain for in vivo experiments with human breast cancer cell lines xenografted into these mice as well as other in vitro studies with human breast cancer cell lines. I was responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of this mouse colony and supervision of underg...

Avg. Salary: $51,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

University of Missouri

Research - Scientist - Columbia, MO

My Ph.D. thesis encompassed two projects. Firstly, I cloned and characterized an estrogen receptor-negative cell line derived from estrogen receptor-positive MCF-7 cells. This cell line has turned out to be a valuable tool for studies on the function of estrogen receptors in human breast cancer cells. These studies resulted in collaborations with several different labs that resulted in several publications (see below). In s...

Avg. Salary: $51,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Washington University

Research - Scientist - St. Louis, MO

My duties included routine cell culture as well as purification of primary cytotrophoblast cells from placentas obtained from full-term deliveries. Human placental tissues and trophoblast cells were analyzed in cell-based assays as well as by immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy including ultra-thin sectioning, staining and analysis by fluorescent or electron microscopy.

Avg. Salary: $51,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

University of Missouri

Research - Scientist - Columbia, MO

Immunocytochemical and Electron Microscopic Analysis of Cell Cycle Mutant Syrian Hamster Fibroblast Cell Lines. Serial ultra-thin sectioning of fixed cell monolayers was followed by heavy metal staining for analysis transmission electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy was also employed for analysis of cell lines.

Avg. Salary: $51,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

University of Missouri

Research - Scientist - St. Louis, MO

Duties included managing the Electron Microscopy Facility, sample preparation and electron microscopic analysis for other University of Missouri-St. Louis investigators. My duties also included care and handling of rodent and amphibian animal colonies on a part-time basis.

Avg. Salary: $51,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Bruel & Kjaer N.A.

Research - Technician - Norcross, GA

Calibration and Repair of Factory own Sound and Vibration meters and equipment.

Avg. Salary: $42,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Data Path

Research - Technician - Duluth, GA

I work under contract testing mobile satellites and modules assemblies that are used to communicate and control the satellites. This includes repairs of the modules and testing of the modules as well as finding problems with the complete assembles units

Avg. Salary: $42,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Oplink Solutions

Research - Technician - Alpharetta, GA

Work in the Repair Department and the Calibration Department. Repairing and Calibrating everything from 8566A/B, 8560 & 8590 series spectrum Analyzers to 3458A, 8506A DMM, Power Supplies to Signal Generators 8340 models. and other types.

Avg. Salary: $42,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available