Administrative Services Manager Career Research and Resources
Gabelli Asset Management
Performed account reconciliations and solved account discrepancies. Managed sub advisory accounts, supervised billing, trained new staff, and oversaw DTC trade affirmation.
Avg. Salary: $85,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Oversee operations for IBM key account (Apple, Inc.) including quality, HR and customer satisfaction. Establish KPI’s and ensure targets are met. Implement continuous process improvements, ensure productivity and communicate current status to client as appropriate. Manage 15 Team Leads and responsible for 350 FTE employees and budget.
Avg. Salary: $80,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
IBM Australia
Promoted to provide operational management for senior technical support team on Apple Desktop and Portable Computers account. Completed root cause analysis, scheduling and line monitoring. Served as customer focal point and maintained customer service at peak levels. Managed 25 staff.
Avg. Salary: $80,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Mondial Assistance (Allianz Assistance)
Responsible for emergency travel medical coordination, repatriation and claims and collection of medical reports for nurses and doctors. Served as customer support for insurance matters and policy definitions. Managed 10 employees, driving high quality and customer support.
Avg. Salary: $80,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
•Photo Manager (Responsible for supplies, inventory, sales) •Head of groceries and cigarettes (Responsibilities include ordering, projected sales, sales, new product) •Handle all vendors (ordering directly from vendors, new product, account status, inventory, negotiating prices, merchandising) •Supervise fourteen people on assignment (trained, motivated, and evaluate employees) •Making employees and managers schedul...
Avg. Salary: $41,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
•Maintained sales goal •Visual merchandising for Men’s Denim (Responsible for all displays) •Area coordinator of Men’s Denim (Responsible for markdowns, new arrivals, set-up of department, and cleanliness)
Avg. Salary: $41,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
KMO Enterprises. Inc
Assist customesr identify, define and orchastrate opoerational requirements and goals that can be achieved and managed as projects to expand on their operations
Avg. Salary: $172,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Special Operations Comman South (SOCSOUTH)
Coordinated and synchronized all transportation (air/sea/ground) requirements, operational supplies, and service support contracts (lodging, catering, vehicle leases, communications (cellular/satellite), fuels (diesel/mogas/aviation), and all in-land transportation of cargo and personnel in support of contingency and training operatives in Central, Caribbean and South America. Served as Logistics liaison element with Milita...
Avg. Salary: $172,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
US Army
Manage 2-9 IN Battalion Training Resource Management Meeting to resource all training events. Responsible for 50 soldiers and 7 officer responsible for their career development
Avg. Salary: $68,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
US Army Siena College Army ROTC
I was responsible for managing the marketing and advertisements for Siena College Army ROTC which included all 4 year universities within the Albany NY Capital Region. Managed a scholarship budget in excess of 2 millions dollars. Developed recruiting packets on over 400 scholarship applicants recuriting only the best and brightest through detailed interviews.
Avg. Salary: $68,000 · Company Rank: Not Available