Registered Nurse Career Research and Resources

Warner Technologies

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - West Los Angeles, CA

Supervised all trades on three separate school sites. Made twice daily visits, ran weekly construction meetings with various trades, scheduled deliveries, cranes, communicated construction schedules to school administration, scheduled and met with various trade inspectors, communicated hourly updates to owner-operator, coordinated all inspections and communicated recommendations to contractor and tradesmen.

Avg. Salary: $75,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Grass Roots Project --Kenter Canyon School

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Los Angeles, CA

Founder / Project Manager, Grass Roots Project, Kenter Canyon Elementary School; developed and implemented 3-year, $700,000 construction project to renovate campus; helped create project design, mission, fundraising plan and timeline; wrote and received grant from the Anne and Kirk Douglas Playground Award; work closely with LAUSD, BB Bond Office, DWP throughout the project. Targeted specific donors to give substantial co...

Avg. Salary: $75,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Lakeside Community Hospital

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Lakeport, CA

Full time RN in eight bed Intensive Care Unit, primary nurse for critically ill patient on ventilators, management of all IV meds and invasive lines, assessment and plan of daily care, certified as mobile intensive care nurse and acted as transport nurse via ground ambulance to larger hospital one hour away, acted as break relief nurse in the emergency room when needed.

Avg. Salary: $75,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - SAN ANTONIO, TX


Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Overlake Hospital Medical Center

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Bellevue, WA

Avg. Salary: $250,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Kelcin, Inc

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Grand Rapids, MI

Started company from scratch and built to a $23k monthly revenue and 30 employees. Managed employee retention, budgets, marketing, training, education, day to day customer concerns. Education and Trainging of employees concerning bloodborne pathogens, safety in handling medical instruments, syringes, etc.

Avg. Salary: $75,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Prison Health Services/Correction Medical Services

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Grand Rapids, MI

Intake triage of new inmates Phlebotomy Soul RN responsible for evaluation, care of 900 - 1400 inmates and oversaw 2 direct reports LPN. Education of inmates concerning diabetes, cardiac disease, drug addiction, ETOH addiction, personal hygiene, Methicillin Resistant Staphlococcus aureus in a one on one setting. Assessment of drug and Alcohol withdrawal - through CIWA assessment criteria. Assessment of need for medic...

Avg. Salary: $75,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Grand Rapids, MI

Assessment and management of Obstetrical and Gynological clients. Assess fetal status by NST and heart tones. Telephone Triage of Obstetrical and Gynological clients. Individual education concerning new medical conditions.

Avg. Salary: $75,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Butterworth Hospital

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Grand Rapids, MI

Apply and evaluate the internal and/or external fetal monitors, terbutaline therapy, MgSO4 therapy,assessment of fetus and infants. Help a client through labor and delivery - support the mother. Support and education of mother and family during preterm labor. Support and educate the mother, father and family following a stillborne birth.

Avg. Salary: $75,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Nashville, TN

Taking care of chronic mentally ill patients including Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD. Usually we have between 15-27 patients. setting up work schedules, assigning duties to a nursing staff, and ensuring that each member of the nursing team is adequately trained.Ensuring that nursing records are correctly maintained, that report is correctly given at each shift change, and that equipment and other supplies are ...

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5