Browse Career Research in Engineering & Architecture
Engineering & Architecture Career Research
Design and develop camera systems for medical microscopes using Zemax and SolidWorks.
Avg. Salary: $100,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Reliant Technologies
Design and develop prototype laser scanning systems using Zemax and SolidWorks. Testing and evaluation; Transfer to production.
Avg. Salary: $100,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Visx, Inc
UV laser testing and evaluation. Prototype design and development of ophthalmic laser systems using Zemax. Production transfer.
Avg. Salary: $100,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Established SOW for the Global Gamma SUV Carpet Acoustics and Rear Cargo. The first GM small SUV. Specified the first Non Woven dissipative acoustic system for GM. Engineered four different Cargo Trim variations. Matching both Cost and Mass requirements with Best in Class features this vehicle will be built in three continents and sold in 18 target markets. Constructed the SOW for the Chevy VOLT acoustic and interior compo...
Avg. Salary: $84,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
New Dimensions contract Ford Motor Co.
Member Econoline Van 2008/2009 launch teams. Closed all issues before review. Developed an enhanced acoustics package for the 2009.5 Diesel VN127. Reduced part content and cost for the Lincoln Town car and Crown Victoria.
Avg. Salary: $84,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
GA Building Consultants
Developed a business plan for a unique and innovative type of residential construction company. Helped to complete the Alpha project that began with $165,000 and resulted in a $280,000 return. Planned, Executed, Monitored, and Closed the Beta project from an $180,000 out lay to $390,000 ROI
Avg. Salary: $84,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Planned, Executed, Monitored/Controlled, and Closed a $14 million Design, Engineering and Tooling Project for Nissan/Lear that consisted of 128 tools and spanned across six countries. Successfully completed the Nissan X11C 14 month schedule. Promoted from Sr. Product Engineer to Program Manager because of exceptional performance. Suggested improvements that justified the increase of the SOW by $2,000,000
Avg. Salary: $84,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Collins & Aikman
Executed, Monitored, Closed Ford Fusion/Lincoln Zephyr acoustics package meeting accelerated timing and limited resources while improving total vehicle appeal justifying an increased content by $5.4 million from original SOW.
Avg. Salary: $84,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Venture Industries
Design Release Engineer for the GM/AMG Hummer 2 Interior Door and Lift gate Trim products. Lead the Venture Product Development Team managed cost, timing and resources. Launch Team Leader Resolved 65 PIMREP open issues during 3 week launch
Avg. Salary: $84,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
ASC Incorporated
Saved organization 10% of $ 1.2 million annual department budget from a 30% over run. Developed a Vision, Goal, Measurement and Strategies Business plan for the department Increased quality of output for the department from 45% to 98% Developed an APQP matrix with DRASIC assignments that met 100% of program needs. Utilized GM IMAN and VPM with UG V16and Catia V5 Trained staff of 30 direct reports in GD&T, Catia V5 and UG V1...
Avg. Salary: $84,000 · Company Rank: Not Available