Biomedical Engineer Career Research and Resources
University of Michigan
- Managed 4 students total (3 at a time); trained them in independent research techniques and trained them to think like researchers and to design their own experiments. - Slashed time to analyze bone from 15 minutes to <5 seconds by writing a program to automate the process; increased data accuracy/reliability and efficiency of experiments. - Uncovered error in 12-year old calculation code, causing researchers to recalcu...
Avg. Salary: $33,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
- Designed reactors and internal components for oil refineries for large global supplier of technology, catalysts, adsorbents, process plants, and consulting services to the petroleum industry. - Analyzed flow, pressure distribution, stress and thermal expansion. - Managed $40 million equipment installation in Portugal with 20-member, multinational team; had ultimate authority for on-time completion of project and guarant...
Avg. Salary: $33,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Marquette University
- Designed and built a device for pressure distribution testing of knee implants at various flexion angles
Avg. Salary: $33,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Dr.Joseph V. DiTrolio
Circuit design and troubleshooting for instruments” that will be used in hospital to monitor patient of urinary tract disease
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
Mechanical Engineering Dept,njit
"Circuit design for instruments” that will be used for surface characterization and validating the instrument design by testing it on various surfaces.
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
Biomedical Engineering Dept., NJIT
“Rectified & Averaged EMG Signal Acquisition” Includes Fabrication of Circuit, Interfacing between circuit and human subjects & Testing for validation of circuit in various conditions.
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
Physics Dept., NJIT
"Automation of Bat Mobile” for comparison of Baseball Bats.
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
“Detection of Landmines using Satellite” Includes Programming of Microcontroller & Interfacing between camera and stepper motor using microcontroller for acquiring topographical images
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
“Automated Guided Vehicle” Includes Fabrication of circuit, Implementation of ultrasonic sensors for detecting obstacle in the path of AGV & Establishing interfacing between Stepper motor & microcontroller for movement calculation.
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
Nike Inc.
Built and refined an FE model of an anatomical human foot. Researched gait and muscle activation relationships. Ran simulations of standing and plantar flexion. Analyzed the resulting pressure distributions. Optimized foot model to imitate physical pressure maps
Avg. Salary: $50,000 · Company Rank: Not Available