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American Honda Motor Work Values

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Daily Duties at American Honda Motor:

• Manage new car automotive shipments throughout the United States, surpassing the 99% on time delivery objective. • Manage Distribution Center, 16 rail ramps, 3 ports, 580+ dealerships across 1/3 of the new car automotive shipments throughout the United States, surpassing the 99% on time delivery objective. Approx. 819,000 units delivered annually across the US. • Works with division pillars to develop and manage projects to improve dealer delivery of the quality product in a timely manner. • Manages product launches for on-time delivery to dealers with the new products. • Manages 4.05M operations budget • Efficient performance of $77.3M trucking operation Managed Distribution Center, 9 trucking companies, multiple vendors, 120+ associates • Supervised new car automotive shipments throughout the United States, surpassing the 99% on time delivery objective. Responsible for delivery of 450,000 units annually. • Worked with division pillars to develop and manage projects to improve dealer delivery of the quality product in a timely manner. • Managed product launches for on-time delivery to dealers with the new products Managed automotive inventory using data systems, not limited to SAP, VTR and YMS, continually maintaining 100% inventory location accuracy. • Supervised new car automotive shipments throughout the United States, surpassing the 99% on time delivery objective. • Initiated/Implemented/Supported the quality improvement program saving over $250,000 annually. • Implemented a new vehicle receiving process resulting in a cost savings of over $150,000 annually. • Developed a truck diversion program, increasing the number of truck companies creating competition and reducing outbound expenses by over 30%.

What they like about American Honda Motor:

Working for a company with an emphasis on social values and helping society is a clear and important priority for you - a critical factor in who you choose to work for. In contrast to other factors, you place an organization's reputation for fairness and concern for the community above most other aspects of the company. As you search for a new job opportunity, it is usually possible to find out if the company is involved in the community and/or if it is addressing problems and issues in society. Pay special attention to non-profit organizations and those specifically involved in social action. Moreover, speaking with current and former employees should enlighten you to perceptions of the fairness of the company's leaders and the treatment of employees.

Information about American Honda Motor

Company Rank: Not Available

Average length of employment : 13 years

Average salary of employees: $130,000

These are some of the questions we asked our climbers about their experiences with American Honda Motor:

Were your performance expectations clearly communicated?


Were you recognized for meeting or exceeding expectations?


Did you feel like your personal contribution was important?


Was your career path clearly outlined and discussed?


I would recommend this as a place of employment.
I believe in the purpose of this organization.
I would work for this organization again.
I feel employees are fairly compensated.

Climbers who worked at American Honda Motor had these interests:

7 Habits Highly Effective People Leadership

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