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Delaval Dairy Services Work Values

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Daily Duties at Delaval Dairy Services:

Make necessary repairs to equipment on dairy farms to minimalize downtime and increase profitability.

What they like about Delaval Dairy Services:

You highly value a work environment built on a formal structure, rules, and regulations. You do not enjoy the unpredictability of shifting priorities and deadlines that upset your routine. You require and enjoy direction, input and accountability as part of your work environment. You have a strong need to participate in making key decisions and feel left out if your superiors or co-workers do not seek your input when making decisions. You thrive on providing good customer service to both internal or external customers, and doing so makes you feel good.

Information about Delaval Dairy Services

Company Rank: Not Available

Average length of employment : 4 years

Average salary of employees: $85,000

These are some of the questions we asked our climbers about their experiences with Delaval Dairy Services:

Were your performance expectations clearly communicated?


Were you recognized for meeting or exceeding expectations?


Did you feel like your personal contribution was important?


Was your career path clearly outlined and discussed?


I would recommend this as a place of employment.
I believe in the purpose of this organization.
I would work for this organization again.
I feel employees are fairly compensated.

Climbers who worked at Delaval Dairy Services had these interests:

Good to Great A great book by Jim Collins which is a cross analysis of similar businesses that took advantage of situations or did not within a similar time period and ultimately led some businesses to become good or mediocre while the others made the leap to become gr
Great by Choice A continuation of the studies in Good to Great which focused this time, on what choices businesses made in crisis and how and why some came out on top and others fell into the abyss.
Who Moved the Cheese A great, short little book that provides many great lessons. When goals and aspirations are moved, there are two options. 1. Stay where you are and hope they show back up or 2. Go through the maze and find some new cheese.
Dichotomy of Leadersip A great book by a very direct Jocko Willink. In the book, Jocko describes the countless dichotomies leaders face from the perspectives of what he learned in the military while deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. He also translates these lessons from the ba
Start With Why Simon Sinek delves into how to bring clarity into workplace through asking questions, specifically understanding what your why is.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck A very provocative book by Mark Manson that explains that we need to be far more conscious about what we spend our energy on and what we care about. Sometimes, we need to learn to let things go and focus on what is truly important.
The Art of Persuasion Bob Burg provides many lessons in how to persuade others without making it obvious. Persuasion is based upon building a relationship with the other person.
Getting to Yes This is a book on negotiation which teaches one how to get others to agree without compromising.
Ask I just recently purchased this book and have not yet had an opportunity to read it yet.
How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnegie's classic which explains the art of building relationships.
Entreleadership Podcast

Leadership podcast for leaders of all levels.
Jocko Podcast

Leadership podcast hosted by Jocko Willink, an ex Navy Seal and his jiu jitsu companion Echo Charles. Most episodes, they cover a book, generally about war stories, discuss the lessons learned and application to life and business.
Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

Craig covers many leadership principles and application processes of the information that was covered in each podcast.

Professional Networking site.
