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Harris Corporation Work Values

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Daily Duties at Harris Corporation:

SIRFC Mission Data Manager I am on a development team that is creating SIRFC UDMG (database application development). Created front end graphics in OpenROAD language. Back end was done in Ingres relational database management system (RDBMS). Created frame graphics and event handlers to handle various frame graphics, menu systems, push buttons, menu trees, etc. Created back end queries using data manipulation language and data retrieval language to extract data from database and manipulate formatting of said data to present it on front end frames. Also, created queries to save data to database. As part of work, also developed UDF (Universal Data File) build functionality. This interfaces with formatter. SIRFC UDMG allowed customers to create and organize UDFs using ECM information, threat information (emitters), SFP System (System state information relative to emitters) (SFP stands for Sensor Fusion Processor). User entered ECM technique information (four (4) different categories of ECM Techniques) into ECM Program step data. ECM Program steps were then organized into ECM programs using sequencing and timing information. ECM Programs were organized into ECM PSM (Program Selection Matrices) using response type information. The Response Type of the ECM Program had to be relative to the Response Type of the ECM PSM. Based on the characteristics of the ECM PSM, they were matched against emitters in UDF Emitter Configuration. This information was used to generate UF2 and UF3 UDF messages. Work was done on adding messages to UDF formatters. UDF Formatter work was done in Ada. Added new messages and new fields to existing messages. UDF Formatter formatted and sent UDF messages to the OFP (Operational Flight Program). Work was done for various domestic and international customers. Our domestic customers include CV-22, SOA-MH, Independence and Kearsarge (including Kearsarge variants). Our international customers (AIDEWS customers) include Poland, Chile Oman, Turkey, India, Pakistan, and NH-90 (this is an FMS). Our newest AIDEWS customers are Bahrain and Egypt.

What they like about Harris Corporation:

Working in an organization that is technologically advanced, creative, and innovative is critical in your assessment of hiring companies. Less important to you are stability of the organization, the length of time an organization has been in business, and the business' plans for the future. You prefer a fast-moving company that will take risks to achieve its goals and objectives. The length of time the company has been in business is irrelevant. Maintaining status quo is unnecessary. You thrive on change, uncertainty and the upside of potential business risks, especially those associated with innovation. Stability for the long haul is not nearly as important as is working in an atmosphere that is charged with a sense of urgency and constant change.

Information about Harris Corporation

Company Rank: Not Available

Average length of employment : 15 years

Average salary of employees: $89,935

These are some of the questions we asked our climbers about their experiences with Harris Corporation:

Were your performance expectations clearly communicated?


Were you recognized for meeting or exceeding expectations?


Did you feel like your personal contribution was important?


Was your career path clearly outlined and discussed?


I would recommend this as a place of employment.
I believe in the purpose of this organization.
I would work for this organization again.
I feel employees are fairly compensated.

Climbers who worked at Harris Corporation had these interests:

Programming Python Python Programming Language
Bryan Denson Espionage books
Robert A. Heinlein Science Fiction
James Michener Historical fiction
Journal of Electronic Defense promoting public understanding in the science and practice of EW, SIGINT and related disciplines.
