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Victory Aqua Farms A Division Of Victory Consulting & Discovery Corporation Work Values

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Daily Duties at Victory Aqua Farms A Division Of Victory Consulting & Discovery Corporation:

Determine and execute the mission and vision of VAF Determined the type of aquaculture VAF would focus on, which species and produce to raise; and which phases of tilapia production to be involved in : Recirculation Aquaculture Executed leg-work for establishing Tilapia production operation based on guidelines of the Florida Division of Aquaculture Executed leg-work to aquire necessary liscensing and certification. Determine types of facilities to be used Designed, directed, guided and oversaw rennovation an existing facility for to enable breeding and hatchery of tilapia Design, guide, direct and oversee building and maintaining of the facility used for tilapia Grow-Out, Holding and Harvest Selected and installed all equipment and designed and determined infrastructure (plumbing, electrical, ventilation, heating cooling) necessary for the breeding and raising of the tilapia in the two facilities. Conduct day to day tasks required to operate and maintain the aquaculture facility and to breed, hatch and raise fish to fingerling and market size maintaining of water quality, proper pH, alkalinity, carbonate hardness, water exchanges, proper nitrogen cycle (ammonia and nitrite elimination, nitrate removal), salinity, oxygen levels, monitor feeding levels, proper filtration: mechanical filtration, chemical filtration and biofiltration Determine which type of Aquaponics systems VAF will use to combine fish and produce production Determine which crops will be aquaponically grown Seek potential market/buyers/partners/customers for the aquaculture/aquaponics products provided by VAF

What they like about Victory Aqua Farms A Division Of Victory Consulting & Discovery Corporation:

Organizations with strong, centralized leadership are particularly attractive to you. You require a work environment with leadership that aggressively seeks to expand and grow the business and does so in a visible and decisive manner. In general you prefer to work in an environment in which there is a strong link between leadership, its actions, and a strong set of company-wide values.

Information about Victory Aqua Farms A Division Of Victory Consulting & Discovery Corporation

Company Rank: Not Available

Average length of employment : 10 years

Average salary of employees: $100,000

These are some of the questions we asked our climbers about their experiences with Victory Aqua Farms A Division Of Victory Consulting & Discovery Corporation:

Were your performance expectations clearly communicated?


Were you recognized for meeting or exceeding expectations?


Did you feel like your personal contribution was important?


Was your career path clearly outlined and discussed?


I would recommend this as a place of employment.
I believe in the purpose of this organization.
I would work for this organization again.
I feel employees are fairly compensated.

Climbers who worked at Victory Aqua Farms A Division Of Victory Consulting & Discovery Corporation had these interests:

Current News-Early Bird News

Defense and Defense Related News
