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Gene Sys Research Institute Work Values

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Daily Duties at Gene Sys Research Institute:

Developed high priority and value research projects for drug development from the conception of the idea and up to the pre-clinical testing. Specifically, designed in vitro and in vivo experiments, directed and supervised work of the research team consisting of technicians, post-doctoral research and clinical fellows, medical residents, monitored and reviewed the progress of the project, troubleshooted and identified early in the project high clinical value directions for candidate pathways and drugs candidates, identified and determined effective validation and testing end points for the drug candidates to go forward for pre-clinical testing, data analysis and interpretation, preparation of presentation of study results to the board of director, presentation at national and international scientific meetings, preparation of new intellectual property disclosures, working with patent attorneys in preparing and filing patent applications, preparation of executive summaries, presentations to potential investors, writing scientific manuscripts, writing and submitting grants to the government agencies, foundations, association, private investors, established and lead multi-institutional and multidisciplinary collaborations with research scientists and investigators in academia and industry, where I identified, developed and implemented strategies to support project related objectives at the lower cost, discussed, negotiated and established mutually beneficial partnerships with commercial research companies, biotech and academic institutions.

What they like about Gene Sys Research Institute:

You give high priority to hiring firms with prestige. Market reputation and prestige of a firm may be determined through on-line research, and conversations with individuals working in your target industry. Note that firms "in the public eye" receive a great deal more critical publicity and attention than those operating with more anonymity. So as you assess your employment opportunities, be sure to seek out the positive aspects of the firm's reputation in addition to noting negative publicity the company may have received.

Information about Gene Sys Research Institute

Company Rank: Not Available

Average length of employment : 5 years

Average salary of employees: $150,000

These are some of the questions we asked our climbers about their experiences with Gene Sys Research Institute:

Were your performance expectations clearly communicated?


Were you recognized for meeting or exceeding expectations?


Did you feel like your personal contribution was important?


Was your career path clearly outlined and discussed?


I would recommend this as a place of employment.
I believe in the purpose of this organization.
I would work for this organization again.
I feel employees are fairly compensated.

Climbers who worked at Gene Sys Research Institute had these interests:

National Library of Medicine

collection of scientific publication


social network
Research Gate


scientific social network
Intellectual Property


depository of issued patents and patent applications


search engine
Drug development

Current and past clinical trials
