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Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation Work Values

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Daily Duties at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation:

Approved procurement of fire equipment purchase. Performed fire inspections and surveillance's with applicable union personnel. During these surveillances I functioned as the FP expert. Reviewed firefighter, rescue, and hazardous materials training to assure compliance with applicable NFPA, NRC; state and organization requirements. Created and finalized corrective actions reports, and network inquiries regarding the fire department, fire systems, fire alarms, fires, and other issues. Tracked open fire department work orders to completion. Reviewed the FP program for weaknesses, identified, and corrected issues through the CAP program. Updated procedures for the FP administration portion of the program. Updated procedures used for the operations and maintenance surveillance portions of the FP program including. Created and implemented cost reduction programs.

What they like about Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation:

Organizations with strong, centralized leadership are particularly attractive to you. You require a work environment with leadership that aggressively seeks to expand and grow the business and does so in a visible and decisive manner. In general you prefer to work in an environment in which there is a strong link between leadership, its actions, and a strong set of company-wide values.

Information about Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation

Company Rank: Not Available

Average length of employment : 2 years

Average salary of employees: $102,000

These are some of the questions we asked our climbers about their experiences with Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation:

Were your performance expectations clearly communicated?


Were you recognized for meeting or exceeding expectations?


Did you feel like your personal contribution was important?


Was your career path clearly outlined and discussed?


I would recommend this as a place of employment.
I believe in the purpose of this organization.
I would work for this organization again.
I feel employees are fairly compensated.

Climbers who worked at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation had these interests:

International Association of Fire Chiefs

IAFC member website.
Texas Engineering Extension Service

One of the greatest fire and emergency training facilities in the US and the world.
Fire House E-Magazine

Electronic version of Firehouse Magazine.

Use this site for continuing training and industry operating experience.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Use this site for reference materials, research and industry operating experience.

Industry news, trends and activities.
Institution of Fire Engineers

International Fire Engineering Organization. News, articles, and training opportunities.
National Association of Fire and Explosion Investigators

Member of this organization. Also site for upcoming training, jobs and other industry related investigation information.
Fire Recruit

Firefighting job clearing house.
Fire Rescue 1

Fire Rescue 1 website is a E-zine. I check this site for jobs frequently.
