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Last Word Productions Work Values

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Daily Duties at Last Word Productions:

Hired to answer phones, send faxes, review mail, review requests for appearances, interface with travel coordinators regarding Dr. Malveaux's calendar, coordiantion of social events at Dr. Malveaux's home. After 3months after her office manager resigned I was promoted to Office Manager then became responsible for Dr. Malveaux's Business & Personal Calendar. Responsibilies included handling of all book sales & signings events, coordination of local and international travel, events appearances, advance review of all contracts for clarification on all appearance negotiations and funding. Advance travel for appearances and review of talking points for all media events. Coordination for all Gore 2000 Press Appearances on FOXNEWS, CNN, BET, and Politically Incorrect. Review of statistics and fact checking for Dr. Malveaux's Monthly USA Today Editorial commentary. Reseach & fact checking for Dr. Malveaux's Essence Magazine Articles and research assistance and fact checking for several books by Dr. Malveux.

What they like about Last Word Productions:

You highly value a work environment built on a formal structure, rules, and regulations. You do not enjoy the unpredictability of shifting priorities and deadlines that upset your routine. You require and enjoy direction, input and accountability as part of your work environment. You have a strong need to participate in making key decisions and feel left out if your superiors or co-workers do not seek your input when making decisions. You thrive on providing good customer service to both internal or external customers, and doing so makes you feel good.

Information about Last Word Productions

Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5

Average length of employment : 1 year

Average salary of employees: $85,000

These are some of the questions we asked our climbers about their experiences with Last Word Productions:

Were your performance expectations clearly communicated?


Were you recognized for meeting or exceeding expectations?


Did you feel like your personal contribution was important?


Was your career path clearly outlined and discussed?


I would recommend this as a place of employment.
I believe in the purpose of this organization.
I would work for this organization again.
I feel employees are fairly compensated.

Climbers who worked at Last Word Productions had these interests:

Deepak Choprah/The Path to Love Spiritual Strategies for Healing
Bikram Choudhury/Bikram Yoga The Original Hot Yoga
Stieg Larsson/The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Drama
