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Rauland Borg Corporation Work Values

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Daily Duties at Rauland Borg Corporation:

My position was a traveling, healthcare trainer. About once a month I would arrive at a hospital to complete an assessment to discuss how the hospital staff wanted to use the hospital (Nurse Call) system. Within a few weeks, I would send to the Distributor installing the system a spreadsheet and word document detailing everything the hospital staff stipulated. The Distributor would program and test the system, then schedule a training date: usually two months after the assessment meeting. - An asessment was one or two days. A four hour meeting to identify hospital wide system operation. Followed by several ninety minute meetings for each department or floor to identify their unique needs. - Training was three to five days of five, 2 hour class per day: involving information discussion and activities. • Scheduled needs assessment appointments with the Nurse Managers/Directors to determine how they desired to use the System. • Created customized training materials for each project. Material reflected each end user’s system requirements.

What they like about Rauland Borg Corporation:

Working for a company with an emphasis on social values and helping society is a clear and important priority for you - a critical factor in who you choose to work for. In contrast to other factors, you place an organization's reputation for fairness and concern for the community above most other aspects of the company. As you search for a new job opportunity, it is usually possible to find out if the company is involved in the community and/or if it is addressing problems and issues in society. Pay special attention to non-profit organizations and those specifically involved in social action. Moreover, speaking with current and former employees should enlighten you to perceptions of the fairness of the company's leaders and the treatment of employees.


Reporting, written and verbal, Microsoft Office , Presentation skills, Design Organizational Process, Software Implementation, Perform the roles of administrator, instructor, and facilitator to interact with my students, Utilize an overhead projector, power point, hands-on activities, flip charts, and group discussion , Complet training needs analysis with subject matter experts and managers, Develop pre-course qualification test and course hands-on activities, Proficient with Micro Soft Word, Power Point, Excel, Outlook , Co-authored an Advanced Maintenance and Operations course that explained advanced troubleshooting techniques, Initiated monthly conference calls with managers and directors to discuss ongoing training concerns, Entrusted with primary and secondary technical account responsibility for nationally known corporations, Furnished direct customer contact via phone and 24/7 pager response, Discussed equipment capability and use with service centers, technicians, and sales distributors, Simulated customer issues in a lab environment, Authored Method of Operation (MOP) and task procedures when not provided by technical documentation

Information about Rauland Borg Corporation

Company Rank: Not Available

Average length of employment : 3 years

Average salary of employees: $0

These are some of the questions we asked our climbers about their experiences with Rauland Borg Corporation:

Were your performance expectations clearly communicated?


Were you recognized for meeting or exceeding expectations?


Did you feel like your personal contribution was important?


Was your career path clearly outlined and discussed?


I would recommend this as a place of employment.
I believe in the purpose of this organization.
I would work for this organization again.
I feel employees are fairly compensated.

Climbers who worked at Rauland Borg Corporation had these interests:

Tom Clancey action
various authors war autobiography, war history

