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Truman State University Press Work Values

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Daily Duties at Truman State University Press:

• Responsible for overseeing all aspects of publishing 12 to 15 book projects each year for scholarly nonprofit press. Managing entry into e-book publishing. • Implement strategic plan to meet operating budget and sales goals. Made budget each year even as the University decreased budget support to the Press due to higher education cuts. • Reviewed all publishing procedures and increased efficiency in project completion. Doubled the number of books published annually from 6 to 12 with no increase in staff size. • Developed acquisitions by narrowing to three key publishing areas in the arts and humanities, which strengthened quality of manuscripts, attracted more senior scholars or previously published authors, and helped define marketing and sales targets. • Negotiate and write manuscript contracts and licensing agreements for book projects. • Recruit, supervise, and evaluate 4 staff and 10 students, and work with 4 book series editors. • Established an undergraduate publishing internship program that offers challenging work experiences for up to 6 students each year. • Managed the development of a website redesign. • Established a six-member editorial board of scholars to provide oversight to publishing program. • Present book projects to the editorial board for consideration and approval using solicited peer-review evaluations from sources with expertise on subject. • Represent the Press to all its constituencies and represent the University to a segment of the scholarly community.

What they like about Truman State University Press:

Working in an organization that is technologically advanced, creative, and innovative is critical in your assessment of hiring companies. Less important to you are stability of the organization, the length of time an organization has been in business, and the business' plans for the future. You prefer a fast-moving company that will take risks to achieve its goals and objectives. The length of time the company has been in business is irrelevant. Maintaining status quo is unnecessary. You thrive on change, uncertainty and the upside of potential business risks, especially those associated with innovation. Stability for the long haul is not nearly as important as is working in an atmosphere that is charged with a sense of urgency and constant change.


Information about Truman State University Press

Company Rank: Not Available

Average length of employment : 20 years

Average salary of employees: $50,000

These are some of the questions we asked our climbers about their experiences with Truman State University Press:

Were your performance expectations clearly communicated?


Were you recognized for meeting or exceeding expectations?


Did you feel like your personal contribution was important?


Was your career path clearly outlined and discussed?


I would recommend this as a place of employment.
I believe in the purpose of this organization.
I would work for this organization again.
I feel employees are fairly compensated.

Climbers who worked at Truman State University Press had these interests:

The Source by James Michenor. Represents historical fiction genre that I enjoy.
New York Times

Love newspapers, but like updates of online news. NYT is the best.
Enneagram Institute

One of the most powerful tools for understanding ourselves is the Enneagram, an ancient symbol of unity and diversity, change and transformation. Help with understanding personalities is so interesting and helps in work and personal life.
