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4 M Sports & Entertainment: I O Magazine Work Values

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Daily Duties at 4 M Sports & Entertainment: I O Magazine:

•Represented retired professional athletes for local fund raising charities. •Kept up-to-date with the latest market trends. •Created marketing materials as well as new promotional ideas for community fundraising campaigns.

What they like about 4 M Sports & Entertainment: I O Magazine:

Working for a company with an emphasis on social values and helping society is a clear and important priority for you - a critical factor in who you choose to work for. In contrast to other factors, you place an organization's reputation for fairness and concern for the community above most other aspects of the company. As you search for a new job opportunity, it is usually possible to find out if the company is involved in the community and/or if it is addressing problems and issues in society. Pay special attention to non-profit organizations and those specifically involved in social action. Moreover, speaking with current and former employees should enlighten you to perceptions of the fairness of the company's leaders and the treatment of employees.

Information about 4 M Sports & Entertainment: I O Magazine

Company Rank: Not Available

Average length of employment : 1 year

Average salary of employees: $47,000

These are some of the questions we asked our climbers about their experiences with 4 M Sports & Entertainment: I O Magazine:

Were your performance expectations clearly communicated?


Were you recognized for meeting or exceeding expectations?


Did you feel like your personal contribution was important?


Was your career path clearly outlined and discussed?


I would recommend this as a place of employment.
I believe in the purpose of this organization.
I would work for this organization again.
I feel employees are fairly compensated.

Climbers who worked at 4 M Sports & Entertainment: I O Magazine had these interests:

Welcoa Well Informed Workplace Wellness programs

Wellness Programs related articles.

Climbers' Joblogs at 4 M Sports & Entertainment: I O Magazine:

Health and Wellness/Medical Management

I have gained experience working in the Medical Management industry while working as an Account Manager. As an Account Manager I built successful relationships with Broker’s, Third Party Administrators (TPA’s), and the client’s. A big part of my job included travel and attending Conventions. I met with the TPA and client to help determine the client’s health needs as well as a suitable cost effective program that would meet the needs of the company.

The majority of my clients obtain a Wellness program for their employee’s. I facilitated On-Site Health Screenings for the clients as a way to establish both the health needs of the employees for the employer and educated/ informed the employees of their health conditions. I provided information to the employer and the employees to assist them in making informative decisions regarding their health care. A big part of my job included establishing, creating and incorporating the Wellness program policies and procedures. As well as facilitate in office training session to insure the teams understanding of the policies and procedures. Followed up with a check and balance system to ensure the team was following the proper protocol. Understanding return on investments (ROI) is important to everyone company, the Medical Director and I would present a yearly report to the clients. At this time I would present to the client a detailed report explaining the needs of their employees and how they presented themselves as well as how the ROI was established. We would evaluate the companies needs based off of the finding and determine if there was a more cost effective way to better meet the companies health needs.

I am having a terrible time finding job opportunities. I have been on multiple websites and applied to a ton of position. I am having absolutely no luck. I am not sure what else I can do. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I desperately need a job.
