Upon invitation by the People's Daily Presented at this educational conference in a small group setting provided an intimate backdrop for a discussion involving trading technologies and electronic platforms focused on retail customers in emerging markets spoke along with many well-known Chinese financial industry leaders on the topic of opportunities in the US and Chinese capital markets. Specifically educated the forum on the myriad benefits and the future of electronic trading in the region Participated in the continuation of the discussion started in Shanghai for a new audience of more than 400 financial professionals and members of the Chinese government * Contributed to a press junket for the Chinese media attended by a variety of prominent media sources such as The Tianjin Daily News Group Financial News Fuzhou Evening News Bejing Times and Tianjin Radio. Appeared via several of these outlets as a contributor of knowledge on world capital markets Helped to organize and promote this Bulltick-sponsored conference centered on technical analysis and market forecasting using Realtick software. Participated in the event alongside David Nassar who was in attendance to speak on trading strategies and the emerging markets