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Oracle Corporation Work Values

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Daily Duties at Oracle Corporation:

Information not Available

What they like about Oracle Corporation:

You give high priority to hiring firms with prestige. Market reputation and prestige of a firm may be determined through on-line research, and conversations with individuals working in your target industry. Note that firms "in the public eye" receive a great deal more critical publicity and attention than those operating with more anonymity. So as you assess your employment opportunities, be sure to seek out the positive aspects of the firm's reputation in addition to noting negative publicity the company may have received.

Information about Oracle Corporation

Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5

Average length of employment : 1 year

Average salary of employees: $62,000

These are some of the questions we asked our climbers about their experiences with Oracle Corporation:

Were your performance expectations clearly communicated?


Were you recognized for meeting or exceeding expectations?


Did you feel like your personal contribution was important?


Was your career path clearly outlined and discussed?


I would recommend this as a place of employment.
I believe in the purpose of this organization.
I would work for this organization again.
I feel employees are fairly compensated.

Climbers who worked at Oracle Corporation had these interests:

Creative Visualization This is a book to help guide how you view yourself and the world that you live in.
How Full is Your Bucket This is a book designed for positive strategies for work and life. I've found it to be on target.
The Little Brown Compact Handbook One of the best–selling tabbed handbooks on the market, it provides complete, authoritative coverage of writing, research and grammar, with detailed discussions of critical thinking and argument. An Admin Pro must have!

Current business related news that is catagorized by industry, location and topic.

Great place to network with current/past employers. Fill in the gaps your resume just can't say with recommendations of your skills.

Climbers' Joblogs at Oracle Corporation:

Supporting SVP and Chief Customer Officer and more...

What a crazy week and it's only Tuesday. I spent last week filling in for the Executive Assistant to the SVP / Chief Customer Officer of Global Customer Programs - Customer Success. While she enjoyed a much deserved break from normal duties, I stepped up to support our fearless leader. I always welcome a chance to adapt to another Exec Team member's calendaring needs as I see this as a growth experience.
Lucky for his Executive Assistant, this SVP/CCO is very self sufficient which leaves more intuitive projects which are massaged into the current needs. Working with Oracle's web 2.0 tools, I find I am 1 of a few that have jumped in feet first to learn and execute normal tasks with these tools demonstrating how powerful they truly can be.
All of this takes place while I am coordinating the division's efforts for this year's OpenWorld San Francisco 2008 at the Moscone in September. I find this task has become one of my favorite in which I can shine as the 'go-to' guy for this event. I love to position myself in this role as I am quite detail orientated and have a knack in finding obscure but useful tidbits for the team. That is a big hit with the team which is busy recruiting customers to participate in our extensive referencing program.
Reporting this year's onsite show activities is exciting as Oracle rolls out the use of it's Web 2.0 tools for this show. Collaboration tools that take customer management to the next level of service. It's exciting being on the cusp of company destined for greatness.
