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City Of Cupertino Work Values

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Daily Duties at City Of Cupertino:

Developed, coordinated and facilitated the Afterschool Enrichment Program with the Cupertino Union School District, managing approximately 125 class offerings at 19 school sites and 20 contractors. Design fall and spring brochure in In Design for Afterschool program. Managed and facilitated approximately 145 class offerings and 12 contractors for the Parks and Recreation instructional classes. Updated promotional material and job announcements for summer staff recruitment. Contacted returning staff to determine interest in jobs. Coordinated outreach to local students at high schools and colleges. Cooperatively worked with co-workers to schedule interviews and develop questions. Checked references and hired staff Supervised and implemented programming for 6 summer camps. Hired staff needed for camp. Supervised and evaluated 18-20 part-time staff. Designed promotional flyers and t-shirts. Coordinated supplies and equipment needs. Scheduled and organized trips, programs and special events. Communicated with special agencies to arrange for camp activities, ex, school district, county parks and special venues like Great America. Assisted with summer special events: Country Fair, Almost Anything Goes, and Talent Show. Organized Summer Staff Appreciation Event Coordinated Coop dances for disabled teens and young adults with 3 other cities. Organized, advertised and supervised dance held at my facility. Evaluated all of my programs and continually sought to expand and improve them. Prepared my yearly budget and projected my yearly revenue to be turned into my supervisor. Monitored my budget for all programs during fiscal year and turned in financial reports each quarter.

What they like about City Of Cupertino:

The social vibrance of a hiring firm is very important to you. Your ability to make and maintain friendships there is a critical part of your decision. You would likely be dissatisfied with a workplace that is quiet, cold, or otherwise not particularly social. When you investigate a new hiring company, ask recruiters, managers, and potential co-workers about the social life and opportunities there. This is especially important when you are relocating; moving dramatically alters your social sphere both inside and outside the workplace.

Information about City Of Cupertino

Company Rank: Not Available

Average length of employment : 11 years

Average salary of employees: $650,000

These are some of the questions we asked our climbers about their experiences with City Of Cupertino:

Were your performance expectations clearly communicated?


Were you recognized for meeting or exceeding expectations?


Did you feel like your personal contribution was important?


Was your career path clearly outlined and discussed?


I would recommend this as a place of employment.
I believe in the purpose of this organization.
I would work for this organization again.
I feel employees are fairly compensated.

Climbers who worked at City Of Cupertino had these interests:

Elizabeth I This book is about Queen Elizabeth the first in her later years from the time of the defeat of the Armada to her death.
A Place of Yes A motivational book by Bethenney Frankel on how to get everything you want out of life.
Spider Bones The 13th book in the Temperance Brennan Series
Of Love and Evil Anne Rice's second book in a series about angels and second chances.
Port Mortuary The 18th Kay Scarpetta novel by Patricia Cornwell following the chief medical examiner as she solves a case that could cause problems with national security.
